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Liv was ours. If he so much as laid a hand on her, he was dead. Sebastian, our dear investor, was her fiancé, but she was our future. Oureverything. We…


He fucking hit her. Right in the face. All I could see was red with rage as my blood boiled to an erupting point, and I was ready to fly off the handle.

He. Fucking. Slapped. Our. Girl.

“Goddamn bastard,” Saint growled.

Saint felt my pain. The rage within us rose, and I was ready to grab the television screen and throw it against the two-way glass. But what good would that do? We weren’t willing to lose sight of the one woman most precious to us.

“He’s abusing her,” I breathed through clenched teeth.

I punched the mirror with an angry grunt and shards of glass fell to the floor. The pain numbed itself, masked by my hatred of this man—a person I could slice open with a piece of glass and watch him pass out, but my knuckles bled instead.

Saint held his composure, but his fists clenched, and I saw blood seep from between his fingers with his nails digging into his skin. The crimson color trickled to the floor, and we’d left a mess. But not as messy as Sebastian Chamberlain’s face was going to be after we were done with him.

I felt Liv’s pain as she explained, “I bought this for you because I thought you’d like it?”

A big fat fucking lie, but that was our girl. Liv held her head high after Sebastian had struck her to theside. She stumbled. The camera went blurry, but she didn’t stand down. She didn’t cower at his feet, and she didn’t even beg him to stop.

“Like it? I hate it!” Sebastian yelled at Liv and threw his arms up in the air. “Why would you waste my money on that?”

Sebastian spit at her and cursed as he turned away. Sebastian left her like used garbage, even though she was everything this world needed. All the pieces of her made the darkness brighter, and she was worth it. Worthy enough of respect. Not this scum of the earth who deserved everything he had coming.

As Liv walked into the bathroom and her mirrored teary-eyed reflection stared back at us, we knew we had to stop him. We had to end the abuse her fiancé inflicted on her behind our backs and kept it secret from the world. Sebastian was evil, more vile than us, and we’d make him beg to meet our maker. Satan. The devil who created us.

Because no one touched our girl. No one would make her feel pain. Only us.

Sebastian, your clock was ticking. Ticktock, ticktock.The poor man could be in the wrong place at the wrong time. An unfortunate incident of breaking and entering would suffice. It was only a matter of time before he met his untimely demise.


Their Obsession



I spilled my coffee all over my outfit!

This day wasn’t going my way. Sebastian had unexpectedly taken the day off work after a business trip, and I’d rather not be home while he was. But the last week without him had been bliss.

No name calling directed my way, not one hand laid on me, and my stalkers had even gone quiet. I almost wondered if they were arrested for harassing someone else—I wouldn’t be surprised. I was sure they could afford bail. Maybe they had unfortunately died and I had gotten my wish, but I highly doubted it.

What the hell were they up to?

I had quickly gathered my purse and dashed out of the house before Sebastian could wonder where I was off to. I hadn’t even known where I was going, just thatit had to be anywhere other than home. Yet here I was, headed back because of my stupidity.

I had ordered my favorite, a coffee with extra sweetener. After a losing fight with the door on my way out of the shop, the morning brew had splashed all over my dress. I barely got a sip because the coffee was burning hot. Clearly, I wanted to wear the caffeinated drink instead. My skin crawled with anxiety as I turned my key in the door and pushed it open. Bugs felt like they inched all over me, and I gave myself a mental shake. I’d only be ten minutes tops, and I’d be gone like the wind. But I wished I could climb through the bedroom window instead of walking right into the devil’s den.

Sebastian was nowhere in sight as I tiptoed toward the stairs to avoid him at all costs. Heat started at my toes and worked its way up my body as I hit the stairs, but I heard a rustle from the kitchen. Papers moved and the damn stair creaked below my feet, causing me to halt on the spot.

I knew the fucking creaky floorboard was there because I had them all memorized throughout the place. I had to live with a man as dangerous as my fiancé inside a home where I should be safe, but I never was. Not as long as I lived under a roof with a man I despised.

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, and I cursed myself for even coming back. I should’ve bought a brand-new outfit and tossed this one in the trash. Iwould have saved myself from the awful position I had gotten myself into and had no way out of except to haul ass.

I held my breath as I heard footsteps and knew Sebastian would be around the corner any second. Quickly, I tiptoed up the stairs in a flash. This time, without making a sound, managing to avoid him.

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