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Their cedarwood scent mixed and entangled me in their heat. The delicious looks from them made me wet and my thighs clamped together in remembrance of their madness. My body desired them to be this close to me, but my mind fought the urge to give in. A full out war raged inside of me, and I didn’t know who’d win the battle.

“No. Because I will lose,” I admitted.

“Did you hear that, Saint?” Sin asked as he licked his lips and peered over my body. “Our girl is learning.”

Saint groaned as he grabbed the back of my neck and forcefully jerked my head to stare up at him. I let out a yelp and held his stare. His grip was tight against my scalp and he pulled at the hairs at the nape of my neck. The pain bit at me, but I refused to cry. Instead, I pressed my lips together and panted through flared nostrils.

Saint was like a caveman, holding the necklace up to my face. He grunted at me and gestured toward the chain with urgency. I didn’t react. He didn’t appreciate the lack of response and yanked me closer. His eyes glared into my wide ones until I took the necklace from his hand. A zing of electricity from the brush of our fingers coursed through me, and I didn’t give a damn ifhe felt it, too. The touch meant nothing, and he sickened me to my core.

I’d give Saint what he wanted. I’d give them both what they desired and had broken into my home for—this stupid chain around my neck. Instead, I should pick up the phone and call the cops to arrest them for breaking and entering.

“Fine. I’ll put your dumb necklace back on,” I muttered with disgust.

“Turn around,” Sin ordered.

I huffed with frustration but did as he commanded. My backside was to them as I felt fingers in my hair and a shiver ran down my spine. I wasn’t sure whose hands held my hair, but they did it with care as their precious chain returned to its rightful owner.

I dared a glance back and asked, “Why are you doing this to me?”

Sin brushed hair behind my ear and whispered, “Because we’re both fucked up. Broken, shattered like glass, and no one can break us because we’re already broken.”

“That’s a screwed-up analogy.”

Sin chuckled softly against my ear, and his fingertip trailed along the skin, straight down to my earlobe where he gently flicked the flesh, and my pussy pulsated for him. I despised him so damn much.

“But our little obsession breaks, too. We’re all cracked pieces wanting to be put back together in this fucked-up world. A cruel, damaged place where evil can be just outside your door. Watching and waiting. Hooked to the one thing that can put us all back together. You,” Sin added.

“I can’t save you,” I breathed as I jerked against their hold and turned away from Sin, but Saint’s body was right up against me. “You are both too far gone for redemption.”

“We don’t need you to save us, Liv. You’re our missing piece,” Sin said huskily as his hand traveled down to my neck and touched the pendant between my cleavage. “A shard we’ve been searching for and we’ll do anything to keep. You could cut us and make us bleed, but we’d never leave your side. We are yours forever, and we’ll make you see this all in time.”

“You both are fucking crazy,” I said as I clenched the table ledge and it dug into my thighs. “I’ll never be yours. I can’t stand you. Hell, I don’t even like either of you.”

“Well, we sure as hell like you, Liv,” Sin groaned as he grabbed my hand and forced me to touch his erect cock hidden in his pants. “When we find something we like, we want it. No matter how much we shouldn’t take it, it’s ours.”

A rumbling moan climbed up my throat, and I wanted to clamp my mouth shut before it escaped, but I was too late. The sound had no business having a mind of its own, and I hated everything about this.

Sin’s firm dick against my hand made my pussy wetter than it ever should be, as he rubbed my palm up and down his massive shaft. I should grab his crotch and twist, producing pain instead of desired satisfaction. But I wouldn’t stand a chance.

Sin was cruel with his punishments, and I knew this firsthand. With Saint right on my tail, there was nowhere to go and no place to hide. This was a discipline all its own.

“I’m. Not. Yours,” I argued with extra emphasis on each word as beads of sweat formed on my forehead, and I fought them from within.

Saint’s dick rubbed against my butt cheeks and the friction of him made me delirious. The smell of our arousals mixed and created a thick fog over the room. Forced passion and the smell of rainfall lingered within my nostrils. Nature versus desire created a dizzy swirl over me, but I clenched the table harder to hold myself steady. Weakness wasn’t an option. I had to maintain some kind of control and couldn’t give in.

“Oh, but you smell like you are, and your pussy is our plaything. A toy we shouldn’t amuse ourselves with because we’re told not to. But we tend to not listen,” Sin breathed with a soft chuckle in my ear. “And we enjoy winding you up.”


Their Obsession


Saint’s hands brushed down the sides of my body. He started at my shoulders with a gentle caress as he made his way down over the sides of my breasts, lingered on my waist until he bit his fingers into my hips. The force pushed me down while he groaned in my ear and pressed my most sensitive area against the pointed corner of the table.

“What the fuck are you doing, Saint?” I questioned in panic. “Please let me go.”

My pleas went unanswered because Saint didn’t speak a word. His breath only panted in my ear as he moved my hips back and forth, while the friction against my clit formed an achy pit in my belly. A coil of lust spasmed inside me and wanted to break free. He wanted to own me again and make me come. All withintwenty-four hours.

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