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Do I give a fake one?

My intention was for no one to know I was there. I wasn’t Kim fucking Kardashian in any sense, but Sebastian made front page news from time to time. I had to be extra careful.

“Um…Can you keep a secret?” I questioned as I leaned in and pulled a $100 bill from my clutch.

“Sure,” he muttered and yanked the crisp money from my grasp.

“Good.” I nodded and whispered, “My name is Liv Valencia.”

He eyed me up and down but tapped the man’s shoulder next to him. The man who took my money whispered something in the other man’s ear. Their faces were expressionless as the man with the shaved head stared at me and nodded. They both wore black jeans and black shirts. Nothing special to them. I imagined Sin gave a strict order for attire at his club for every employee. Wear dark clothing, black as a shadow. It was the truth about everything in this hellhole, and the gloomy appearance suited him.

“Follow me. Mr. Cruz and Mr. Sullivan are expecting you.”

Devils awaited my arrival and welcomed me into their lair.

How unfortunate for me.

I followed the shine from the back of the man’s head as different colored lights reflected off it and the glare was intense. He must lotion that baby up before a night of working at the club. He was likely fond of spending time here, but I wasn’t. I was out of my comfort zone, and someone pushed me into a world I wasn’t meant to be in. Or maybe I was, and my parents had brainwashed me into believing otherwise?

The loud music blared into my eardrums to the point they might burst, and I felt tempted to cover them with my hands. A sure sign of weakness I couldn’t afford under the watchful eye of a man obsessed. Somewhere, he lurked in his nightclub, and I had to assume he watched me. Crept on the sidelines and blended in with all the customers in their drunken stupor. He’d feed off any blemish and swallow it whole.

As the DJ played, the tune settled in, and I nodded my head to the beat—a rhythm my entire body wanted to give into, but I held back because I was raised not to. Never indulge in unacceptable behavior. Be a good girl and do as you’re told. Appearance was everything. No man would want a wicked woman. There was no room for failure.

I wandered further into the club, past the bar, away from the stairs leading toward a second floor and down a hallway. There were mirrors everywhere, no wall was without them. Reflections of myself were everywhere. I imagined I’d find my phantom behind me with his hands ready to reach out and grab me to capture me in his threatening hold all over again. But the darkness never struck.

Sin remained where I couldn’t see him, but I felt him all the same. He followed my every move, and I imagined his eyes all over me. In my hair, falling down my shoulders as his gaze touched every strand on my head. Locked on my lips as my teeth bit down on the bottom piece of flesh and I tasted blood. Down my neck, exposed for him to imagine his hands wrapped around, eager to take my breath away. As I walked, my tits bounced, and my nipples tingled under his lingering gaze. I imagined his gaze trapped on my ass as it swayed, though the motion wasn’t intended for him. But he longed for me and obsessed over me no matter what I chose because I had no choice. No decision whatsoever as the bouncer abruptly stopped at a door, and I almost ran right into him.

I cursed up at the giant in front of me, and he glared down over his shoulder at me. A grumble of annoyance rumbled in his chest, and I swallowed hard as I took a step back.Jesus. He was wound up.Bad.

Dude probably hadn’t got laid in months with that attitude.

“Sorry,” I squeaked.

He ignored my dumb-ass apology and turned his focus back on the door. His giant hand turned the doorknob and opened it. The room inside was dark as Bigfoot signaled for me to step through.

Hesitation ran through me, and I took a step backward, but the grouchy man remained unimpressed. He wouldn’t speak a word and grumbled at me until I took the hint. My heels stepped through the door and into the black hole with a light turned on over a chair. The metal seat was directly in the middle of the room and the flooring was dull. Everything about this room gave me the creeps. Straight up out of a horror film where the main character got tied to the chair and tortured for information.

Oh, hell, no…

Immediately, I turned around as the door slammed shut, and I heard a click. Frantically, I turned the knob as my heart raced and the organ felt like I’d vomit it out. Sheer panic coursed through me as I twisted and turned, but it was no use. The miserable bouncer with a hairless head as smooth as a baby’s ass had locked the damn door.

“Hey, asshole? Open the fucking door and let me out of here!” I yelled and banged my fists against the door.

I heard nothing from the other side, not that I expected to. The only sound I heard was my breathing as my chest heaved and my blood pressure spiked. I pounded more forcefully on the door until the palms of my wrists hurt, and I realized it was no use. I was trapped. Stuck with my erratic, racing heart and some other sound shuffling behind me.


My entire body vibrated as I tried to gain control of the terror winning inside of me. Wisps of hair fixed to my lips with each unstable breath and my hands fell to my sides. I had to calm down. Any mistake would be made out of fear, but I had already made one and walked right into the devil’s hands. Into his hot, sweaty evil palms, where I was about to learn my fate.

Slowly, I turned around, and I faced whoever was behind me, watching and waiting with such patience, it made my skin crawl. The silence was deafening as I glanced back toward the light and didn’t see anyone. But I knewsomeonewas there.

Their eyes roamed over me, and there was nowhere to hide. No place to run and no one to save me. I could bang on the door, but the notion was pointless.

Suddenly, a brown shoe stepped out of the darkness, and I almost jumped out of my skin. The other person in the room was a man. A tall man, from what I could see of his long leg extending outwards from theshadow he hid behind. The movement shouldn’t have scared me, but the way he preyed on me beforehand terrified me. It had to be Sin. But something was off.

He was too quiet.

Sin would’ve opened his smart-ass mouth or let out an evil laugh, leaving my skin crawling with goosebumps. He had patience, but not this much. This restraint was overwhelming to the point I held my breath and thought my lungs might collapse.

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