Page 89 of Mister Stark

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“Yes. Or both.” I responded with a smile and touched my belly.

He peered over at me and looked down at my stomach. His hand reached out to caress it and a baby kicked. We laughed at the sensation and got excited about what was to come. Our children were almost here and eagerness for their arrival was in full swing. But the pure adoration on his face meant everything to me, and it made my heart sing.

“Driver, take us to the city.” Daxon instructed as he hollered to the front of the limousine, and it took off.

The drive to the urban area seemed shorter than the arrival to Daxon’s house. The view changed from trees of green that loomed overhead to buildings that stretched for as far as the eye could see. Horns honked in the city, and it was a familiar place I didn’t miss. Daxon’s home was wonderful and nothing like here.

I missed it already.

The limousine halted outside of a lengthy mall and the place Daxon instructed the driver to go. The driver opened my door, and I made my exit. Daxon handed him some money with further orders and the driver nodded his head. He got back into the vehicle as the sunlight hit my skin and warmed me underneath its rays of light. It was a great day for good things ahead and it excited me to start.

Daxon came to my side, and we looked at the enormous poster of a mother holding her baby in her arms. She peered down at him with love and happiness. But the father stood over the mother’s shoulder and protected them with a smile on his face.

“I wanted to give you a day of nothing but pure joy after what happened yesterday.” Daxon admitted as he turned to look at me and his eyes shimmered. “But I realized I need it too. Just me and you, princess.”

I pointed at my stomach and looked down at it. “And these little ones.”

He tilted my chin upwards until I met his eyes, and he chuckled. “Yes, and them too.”

His touch was tender and his energy intoxicating. It was incredible to see a different side to Daxon Stark. A lovable, adoring and sweet side. A man I wished could be this way for me, but I knew it was all for the babies inside of me. But deep down, I hoped it would change.

“You’ve surprised me, Daxon Stark.” I sighed with a small smile.

“Have I? Well, there’s much more where that came from.” Daxon teased as he intertwined my hand with his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Shall we get this shopping trip started?”


Gender Reveal

Afew weeks passed, and the furniture for the nursery had arrived. It had been on backorder and there was a slight delay, but Daxon was on it every day. He called to ensure the delivery would be on its way because we had limited time to get the room ready before the little ones arrived. I had no reason to worry because he made sure everything was right. He took my stress level seriously and I got used to his security.

The movers brought the boxes up into the babies’ room and placed them in the directed positions. I gave instructions while Daxon checked over each box and made sure everything was there. He was on building duty and determined to get everything ready.

I had a slight waddle in my step. My twenty-two-week belly walked the delivery men back to their truck and I thanked them for their time. The babies were right on track and everything fell into place. They were healthy and moved every day. Their energy brought a smile to my face, but made my lower back ache. Their little bodies grew, but the doctor projected them to be on the smaller side. It had worried Daxon, but the doctor assured him it was normal. They were twins and grew in the same womb. It was all part of the process.

I wandered back up the staircase at a slow pace and felt exhausted once I hit the top. It was turning into an everyday event and it got to where I couldn’t wait to deliver these babies. My stomach stretched to the seams, my back hurt and my feet were swelling. I even had to wear breast pads to stop my boobs from leaking through my clothes. Everything prepared me for delivery and I was more than ready.

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