Page 49 of Mister Stark

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He smiled and laid a hand over mine. “Well, as much as I’d love to continue this, Mr. Stark is here. I should get these...”

He stepped towards Daxon, but I put a hand on his arm to stop him. We switched positions and Daxon was now back in view with his latest fuck. They must’ve had a lunch date and were wrapping it up in front of his office. I watched over Greg’s shoulder as she leaned in for a goodbye kiss and he took her mouth with passion. My being bubbled hot with anger and my lips pressed together. I clenched my teeth inside my mouth and wanted to stomp over there. I wanted to create a scene and break them apart because his lips shouldn’t be on another woman. They should be on me, and I wanted it more than anything.

Daxon consumed me. It brought out the worst in me. This jealous, angry woman that wanted revenge and I was going to get it.

My hand tightened around Greg’s arm as Daxon kissed her, but he had the nerve to look at me. His deep brown eyes seared into mine as his tongue swirled around in her mouth and made my toes curl. He wanted me to be jealous; he wanted to flaunt his woman in front of me and forget we ever happened.

She finally ended the dreadful kiss and breathed her goodbye. “I had an amazing time, Daxon. Call me soon.”

She let go of him as he watched her go and she strutted her stuff straight for the open elevator. Her black high heels clicked the floor and Daxon’s eyes roamed over her backside. He grinned at her and didn’t break eye contact with her until those elevator doors closed shut.

And his grin faded.

That same old annoyed look came back to life on his face as his teeth bit his lower lip and he ran his hand over his stubble. He didn’t speak a word and let his game play out. His latest cunt didn’t know she was a part of it and my latest specimen was about to be thrown into the mix. Revenge was bittersweet.

I pushed my anger aside and smiled seductively up at Greg. “So, what are your plans for this evening, Greg?”

A smile returned to his face. “I’m not sure, but what did you have in mind?”

“Well, I was thinking...” I breathed as I pulled him closer and placed his hand on my hip. “We could start with some drinks and see where it goes from there?”

He was so close his warm breath fanned my face, and I could smell fresh cappuccino. I ignored it and kept my eye on the prize, even though the smell was overwhelming. I wouldn’t let Daxon win this round and he was the one who would squirm.

“Well, that sounds...” Greg whispered close to my ear and touched my ponytail. “Very intriguing, Ms. Lovette.”

My vengeful glare lands on Daxon, and I grin his way with power. His hands were at his sides and clenched into fists. The knuckles were white with rage and I knew he seared with jealousy. It oozed from him, and I didn’t need him to admit it. His body language gave it away.

He stepped forward with frustration and tapped Greg on the shoulder. I stepped back and prided myself on a job well-done. Greg turned around, with confusion written all over his face. Poor guy didn’t realize he was being played.

“Is that paperwork for me?” Daxon glanced down at Greg’s files and back at his face.

“Yes, sir it is.” Greg responded, and he looked at Mr. Stark.

Daxon grabbed the paperwork and gripped the man’s shirt collar. He pulled him in so quickly it caused me to jump. His face was only mere inches from Daxon’s, and the tension in the hallway thickened. Daxon was in control and for some reason, this jealousy he presented turned me on.

“Good...” Daxon glared as he pushed Greg backwards and fumed with anger. “Get the hell out of my office.”

Greg didn’t waste any time and hurried towards the elevator. I heard the door ding open, but didn’t bother to look back. He was just part of the plan, and it worked out perfectly. The tension blazed between us as we looked at each other. His chest puffed out with every breath he took, and he looked like he wanted to take me over his knee. But it was time to face off with my worst enemy.

“You shouldn’t be carrying on like this in the public eye, young lady.” He warned as he stood right in front of me and his eyes blazed.

“And why is that?” I asked as I crossed my arms in front of me and challenged him.

“Because you’re marrying my son!” He yelled as his voice echoed down the hallway and he ripped the pictures from my hand. “Does this mean nothing to you?”

He held the decoration samples up and slammed them down on a nearby table. The look of rage gleamed in his eyes and he frightened me for a moment, but I pushed it away. I wouldn’t let him get his way. Especially when Dylan granted me permission to sleep with whomever I pleased.

Daxon didn’t need to know that. It would only make it worse. And it appeared he needed a little reminder of the monster he truly was.

“It sure as hell meant nothing to you when you fucked me the other night.” I snapped back at him.

I twisted the tables on him, and he was stunned. His reaction was like I slapped him across the face. The reality of what we’d done came back full force, and he pressed his lips together. His long body moved forward, and I had no choice but to move back.

“And that’s all it was, Celeste, nothing.” Daxon huffed heavily as he didn’t stop his movement and cornered me in the hallway. “Nothing but a meaningless fuck.”

My backside was up against the marble wall, and I had nowhere to go. Nowhere to turn, but into his arms. I couldn’t think straight because all I breathed in was him. The sparks flew, and he captured me. Unable to break free, but I still had my voice.

“And I don’t know who’s better at making me come?” I urged him on with bitterness. “You or your son?”

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