Page 43 of Mister Stark

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I walked towards the presidential suite’s front door, and my eyes caught the ocean. People strolled by on the beach without a care in the world. Lost in the sand, sun, and waves. The same way I got lost in Daxon last night as he railed me on the balcony and anyone could’ve walked by.

What the hell was I thinking?

It was risky, reckless and selfish. Daxon was used to it, but I wasn’t. I’ve never been that kind of woman and Daxon brought out the worst in me. But no more.

I’d go back to my fiancé. We’d fix things and pretend this never happened. I had to put my anger with Dylan aside and marry him. We needed to make this work because our worlds could crash and burn.

I blew out my frustrated breath and tore my eyes away from my mistake. I stalked out of Daxon’s suite with regret and made my way back to our hotel room. The one place I didn’t want to be, but I had no choice. It brought back everything that happened, and I just wanted to wash it all away.

Tears stung my eyes as I made it to our hotel room door and halted on the spot. I took a deep breath and took out my key card. My hand shook, and I had to hold it with two hands to gain my control back. I wouldn’t let the mistake I made last night win, and I had to face the anger head on. I had to put it all aside and move forward. Daxon could and I could, too.

I pushed the hotel door open, and it groaned with a response. I didn’t have time to process another thought as Dylan’s worried eyes met mine and he leapt off the couch. He stepped towards me, but kept his distance. I knew his first reaction was to take me in his arms, but it was too soon for that.

“I was worried sick about you, darling. Where were you last night?” He asked as he held his cell phone in his hand and looked at me.

I wanted to look at him and say, ‘I was with your father having mind blowing sex. Better sex than you ever gave me. The best orgasms because you never gave me any. I always had to rely on my vibrator and probably will still have to since you lied to me.’

But I didn’t speak a word.

“I tried texting you, but I never got a response.” He said with concern.

I simply opened my mouth to speak, but couldn’t. Instead, I went towards our hotel bedroom and pulled my cell phone out of the drawer. I had turned it off, and I had forgotten it with all the secrets revealed yesterday.

“I left my phone here. Forgot it, I guess...” I mumbled as my eyes landed on the bed and I relived his lies all over again.

I took a deep breath and briefly closed my eyes. I turned away from the nightmare and opened them to my fiancé. His handsome good looks stared back at me with worry, but I knew deep down it wasn’t for me. It was for himself and his reputation. His father’s beloved company and everything he stood for.

I wanted to bolt and tell him to shove his lies where the sun doesn’t shine, but I couldn’t. Daxon’s dangerously dark and handsome face came to my mind. I shouldn’t give a damn, but deep down I did because he had let me in. He had shown me there was more to him than I ever thought possible. For me to turn his world upside down, I just couldn’t do it. His company meant everything to him because he had lost the love of his life.

How could I ruin his life?

It was simple.

I couldn’t.

So, I stared his son straight in the eye and fed him a boldfaced lie. “I stayed in Paisley’s hotel room for the night because I needed to clear my head.”

I wanted to step away, but I had to keep up the act. He had to believe I wanted this. He had to be convinced I’d go along with this plan even though we both knew he never loved me and never could. I had to lie to him, just like he lied to me.

“Look...” He breathed as he took my hands in his and begged me to understand. “What you saw yesterday was the truth, but I still care about you and always will.”

The truth hurt. It stung like a thousand bees piercing my body and never letting up. My fiancé was gay, and I knew his love affairs wouldn’t stop. He knew he could never love me because his heart belonged elsewhere.

But I pushed the brutal truth aside.

“I see that now, and your secret will stay with me.” I said firmly and pulled my hands from his. “But don’t you dare lie to me like that ever again.”

My eyes glared into his with anger, and I wanted him to feel my wrath. I wanted him to know I was done with him pulling me along like a puppet on a string. If we were doing this, we’d be doing it my way now.

“So, you won’t tell my dad...” He said with shock, but I cut him off.

“I won’t tell dear daddy your secret. We will get married as planned and I’ll go along with your lie, but on one condition.” I interrupted sternly, and the control felt good.

“Okay, what’s that?” He asked with curiosity.

“I can fuck whoever I want to.” I said, and didn’t blink an eye.

He took a step back and blew out his breath. He paced the floor in front of me and he got lost in thought. Dylan didn’t look pleased by my condition, but I didn’t give a fuck. I was tired of being played and if I was going to be in a loveless marriage; I wanted my freedom, too.

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