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You. Are. Dead.


This can’t be …


That night, when Gabby Sanchez found you with Addie, she stabbed you six times. Twice in your neck, one of which pierced your jugular. You bled out in under a minute. She then killed Addie Gallagher. The authorities believe she went into shock at that point, because at least thirty minutes went by before she took her own life. You’re holding the police reports, newspaper clippings, and interviews with your neighbors and her friends and coworkers. That happened in 1947. Not here, but in Albuquerque.


I don’t understand.

Analysis Note: The soldiers nearest Sordello’s door parted, and a man I didn’t recognize knelt, pulled some sort of kit from his pocket, and went to work on the lock. Sordello’s grip tightened on the gun. She nodded toward all the files.


You’ve been dead for more than seventy-five years, Matt. Not only you, but Stuart Peterson. He committed suicide in 1964. Josh Tatum died of lethal injection in 1992 for killing his wife and children. Arwa Gilmore buried multiple husbands before authorities caught up with her in Atlanta more than thirty years ago. She swallowed cyanide rather than answer for her crimes. Cody Hill blew himself up while attempting to build a bomb in his parents’ basement in 2003 … the list goes on and on. Nearly every resident of Hollows Bend committed heinous crimes while alive, and we found a record of their deaths with only a few exceptions—

Analysis Note: Sordello located the photograph of Riley Sanchez’s arm and held it against the glass.


Those listed here appear to be victims.

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