Page 77 of Power's Fall

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While he’d looked forward to the day he would be placed in his trinity, it would have been short-sighted not to feel at least a little bit of anxiety. After all, the last time he’d handed control of his life over to someone else—the military—it hadn’t ended well.

As he lay here with Vadisk and Dahlia, he felt truly lucky. Perhaps luckier than he deserved to be. The Grand Master had found his perfect matches—physically, intellectually, and even emotionally.

He’d been terrified when he told them about his history with the Navy, worried it would change the way they looked at him, the way they thought about him. But if anything, it seemed to have brought them closer. They’d understood and comforted him.

Dahlia was the first to cry uncle on the kissing. “I want you,” she confessed to them.

He and Vadisk exchanged a glance and then looked at the window. Yesterday, by the pool, they’d placed her in the middle, Montana driving her to orgasm with his fingers and tongue while she drove both of them wild with her blowjobs.

Dahlia wiggled her way out from between them, pushing Vadisk to his back so that she could crawl over him.

Montana thought her intention was to take things to the next level, so he was surprised when she climbed out of bed and crossed the room to her suitcase.

“Dahlia?” Vadisk asked curiously, pushing himself up until he was leaning back against the headboard. Montana propped his head up on his hand, remaining reclined on his side. Vadisk hadn’t bothered to pull the sheet up, which meant, Montana had a very good, very unobstructed view of his husband’s cock.

Vadisk’s guttural groan had Montana lifting his eyes, seeing the knowing smirk his husband gave him. He’d been caught admiring the goods.

It felt like a challenge, so Montana tossed a pillow onto Vadisk’s lap, then carefully slid his hand across the space between them, his hand and arm under the sheet, the pillow blocking what was happening from the window, and gripped Vadisk’s dick, giving it one hard, strong pull.

Vadisk’s smirk faded, replaced with an expression somewhere between pleasure and pain.

Dahlia returned to the bed and tossed a tube of lubrication onto the mattress between them. “Wasn’t sure if you guys would remember to pack the essentials.”

Montana chuckled as he reached for the lube. Vadisk got there first.

Dahlia laughed, then jumped back onto the bed. “Are you going to wrestle for it?”

Montana raised one eyebrow. “In what world do you think I’d win in a wrestling contest with the Incredible Hulk?”

Vadisk chuckled. “I would use one hand. Just to make you feel like you have a chance, if you want.”

“Asshole,” Montana muttered good-naturedly.

“Sooo,” Dahlia drawled. “Should we draw lots for positions?”

Montana couldn’t resist gripping the back of her neck and pulling her toward him so that he could steal a kiss. She was too fucking adorable.

The kiss lingered as the two of them did a little tongue wrestling of their own, each fighting for dominance. Montana wasn’t sure he won, but he was pretty sure he didn’t lose either. So he called it a tie as they parted.

Vadisk was still reclined, his arms lifted, hands behind his head. He looked like the lord of the manor. “I could watch the two of you kiss all day. You are both so beautiful. I…I’m sorry for the way I acted when we met.”

Yesterday, they’d been more tentative with each other than Montana cared for, given that the experience was new, he and Vadisk couldn’t touch, and there was a good chance they’d had an audience who might have been able to not only see but hear them. As such, none of them had felt free to truly be themselves.

Though he and Vadisk still had to be careful, this morning, they laughed and joked with ease, and even opened up about their feelings without fear.

“Water under the bridge,” Dahlia said, crawling over Vadisk’s body to kiss away the apology neither of them needed.

As Montana watched them, he considered all the ways he wanted to be with these two and started to wonder if Dahlia’s suggestion of drawing lots wasn’t such a bad idea. How the hell could they choose? Montana could come up with at least a dozen different variations and positions he wanted to try, and that was without giving it a whole lot of thought.

“Lay down,” Vadisk said to Dahlia, grasping her wrist and pulling her down until she reclaimed her spot in the middle of them. He cupped her cheek affectionately. “Is the lube the only essential?”

Dahlia frowned, confused for a moment, before the light appeared to go on and she shook her head. “I get the birth control shot, and I’m clean. But if you want to use?—”

“I’m clean too,” Vadisk interjected.

“Same,” Montana added.

“Good,” Dahlia breathed, her eyes twinkling with happiness, even as her cheeks flushed with desire.

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