Page 79 of Beloved Sacrifice

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Weston was still suffering.

He was with them, but there was no denying he wasn’t sure he had the right to be.

And it wasn’t Marek who could ease that fear.

He looked down at Rose, who had begun to kiss his neck. She was stalling, scared of the same thing Weston was.

“Be brave, Rose,” Marek whispered.

Her startled gaze flashed upwards, meeting his. His courageous woman took a deep breath, and then turned.

Marek didn’t step back, didn’t yield his place in this. Rose and Weston would be together again, but two was going to be three from this point on.

For Marek, his future had never been clearer.

“I love you, Rose,” Weston said softly. “I always have.”

“I love you, too.”

“Please forgive me.”

Marek swallowed heavily, hating the sound of pure anguish in Weston’s plea.

“You heard Marek,” Rose said. “No past. Only us.”

She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder, and the years seemed to melt away before Marek’s eyes. He could almost see the young, innocent boy and girl they used to be, before the world and Weston’s parents conspired to destroy them.

Marek stroked his hands gently up and down the soft skin of Rose’s hips, her back, her ass, as Weston cupped her jaw, turned her face back to his, and poured a lifetime of lost love into his kiss.

Weston drew back first, and Rose, understanding the move, twisted, stepping out of the circle slightly, so that Marek and Weston could share their first kiss.

It was different from every kiss Marek had shared with women in the past. He was gentle with women. Had always been taught to treat them with respect and kindness.

Weston kissed him with a brute strength, a power that revealed something Weston didn’t want them to know. While he didn’t practice BDSM, the Dom was still there, lurking beneath the surface. Weston had held back with Rose, unwilling to frighten her. Which meant he needed to cast Marek in the role of submissive.

That wasn’t a place Marek would go willingly. He added his own strength to the kiss, gripping the sides of Weston’s head, the textures of each side completely different as he felt the healthy skin versus the burned.

Weston deepened the pressure, his hands reaching around to grip Marek’s ass, to pull their hips together, their erections smashed each other. Marek resented the pants they were still wearing, wanted them gone.

The kiss was hard and rough and, God help him, so passionate it hurt.

Rose’s soft gasp next to them captured Marek’s attention. He broke the union, seeking air.

“That was…” She didn’t finish. Like Marek, she was struggling to find words that could convey how incredible this night was turning out to be.

Marek reached for her, but she dodged out of his grip, stepping backwards. Then Rose lifted her hand, curling her finger, issuing her own unspoken command as she climbed back onto the bed.

Marek and Weston slid their pants down at the same time, both of them taking a second to enjoy the unhindered view of the other.

Weston started to reach for his cock, but Marek shook his head. There would be time for the two of them to explore what was happening between them, but tonight had to be about Rose. While she put on a serious game face, she was skittish as a cat. They needed to fix the old before they ventured on to the new.

Weston appeared to understand that, as his hand dropped and he walked to the far side of the bed. They joined her, sandwiching her between them on the plush mattress.

They lay together, all semblance of hesitance gone as they reached for each other, forming that tight circle of three bodies once more. Marek kissed her as Weston grasped her breast, squeezing it, sucking on the taut nipple.

Rose seemed to revel in her freedom, her unbound hands stretching out to explore, moving quickly as she touched both him and Weston everywhere she could reach.

No restraints. No limits. No rules.

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