Page 125 of Beloved Sacrifice

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“Marek, did you join?” she asked softly.

He nodded.

“But what about your grandparents in England? Your parents?”

Weston jerked slightly as he registered her words.

“You were neutral, working with both the Trinity Masters and the Admiralty. Why would you give that up?”

Marek frowned. “For you. You’re mine.”

Rose leaned into Weston. “Why would you tie yourself to us?”

“Because I love you.”

Rose turned her face into Weston’s shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her waist.

“I don’t expect you to love me yet,” Marek said. “But I love you, and I can love both of you enough for all of us.”

“I thought…I thought you decided to do the right thing. Even if that meant betraying us.”

“I wouldn’t betray you.” Marek opened his arms.

This was too good to be true. She didn’t trust it.


It was Weston who moved first, dragging her toward Marek. They embraced, an awkward thing at first, but then they slid into place, fitting together as if they’d been meant to be. Rose closed her eyes, her cheek against one of Marek’s, Weston hugging him on the other side, their arms encircling one another.

They embraced for a moment, before the Grand Master cleared her throat. “You three now belong to one another. Stand on the medallion.”

Arm in arm, they took up their positions and extended their right hands when asked to do so. The Grand Master took the chain from around her shoulders and bound their hands together.

“You are bound together now by our laws.”

There was a pause, and Rose realized what they were supposed to do before either of her men. Her men. She leaned forward and kissed first Weston, then Marek. Weston smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling, and then he turned and kissed Marek.

“Normally there would be a waiting period before the marriage, but lately our trinities have each been given a task. And I have a task for you.” The Grand Master stepped back, into the shadows. “Take a moment, if you need it, then meet me in my office.” The next words were wry. “I assume you know the way.”

There was the quiet sound of retreating footsteps.

“I can’t believe it,” Rose said. “I’m not dead.”

“We’re married,” Weston added.

Marek smiled. “And if there was time, I would enjoy repeating the experience from the plane. But now it’s time for us to tell the Grand Master everything.”

Rose and Weston both went stiff. “Everything?” Rose hissed. “No. Then we’ll have no leverage.”

“Damn it, Marek, did you already tell them?”

“No. But we’re going to.”

“No, we’re not,” Rose spat.

Marek slid one arm around her, and looped the other around Weston. “Yes, we are.”

“Why?” Rose asked.

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