Page 41 of Saving His Sunshine

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"Then I probably won't hit him," Garrett mutters.

I grin, shaking my head. Garrett and Bronx were friends before Bronx and Gemma got together. They used to play football together in college. Things got messy for a bit when Garrett found out his former teammate was dating his babysister, but they're cool again now. Garrett knows Bronx would do anything for Gemma.

A tiny wail echoes down the line, breaking my heart.

"Shit, I gotta go," Garrett says. “She’s awake again.”

"Give her snuggles for me. Talk to you later," I say before hanging up. Glancing down at Rivin, I square my shoulders, determined to get this over with before I talk myself out of it completely. Alessandro is just going to have to understand. "Guess it's you and me, buddy. Let's go."

The bell over the door chimes as Rivin and I step into the bakery, not even fifteen minutes later. The lingering scent of fresh paint assails me, wrinkling my nose.

Rivin's hackles rise, a low growl rumbling in his chest as he immediately stops walking and starts backing up into me like he’s trying to push me back outside with his hefty body.

"Rivin, stop," I complain, nearly tripping over him. "I just need to grab a few things, and then we'll go, okay?"

He refuses to budge. Jeez. Did Alessandro have a talk with him about me coming here?

I flip the lock on the door, actually hoping that’ll appease him, but it does nothing to calm his agitation. He paces around me, snarling, his nose twitching.

I huff and tug on his leash to get him moving, hurrying toward the tiny office behind the counter. He growls in protest but sticks close to my side.

“We’ll be quick,” I promise him.

He rumbles in response.

We’re nearly to the office when I notice puddles of liquid pooling on the floor. I stop walking and gape around me. There are puddles everywhere.

“What the heck? Is the sink leaking again?”

I glance at the bathroom sink, but it's fine, so I change course and head for the kitchen to check it out. But when I push through the swinging saloon doors with Rivin hot on my heels, the sink is fine.

When I notice the puddles on the floor here, too, a knot forms in my stomach. The scent of paint thinner is overpowering. We used it to clean up after painting, but not nearly enough to make it smell like this. In fact, I didn’t smell it at all when Alessandro and I were back here yesterday.

This isn't right. This isn’t right at all.

Fumbling for my phone, I dial Alessandro's number, praying he picks up as I push back out into the bakery.

My heart leaps into my throat and then stops beating when I spot Don standing at the edge of the counter, blocking me in, his expression cold.

Rivin growls savagely, pulling at the leash when he sees my landlord.

"D-Don, what are you doing here?" I ask, my voice trembling.

Rivin lunges against the leash, snarling and snapping. It takes everything I have to keep him under control.

Don’s gaze flits to the phone in my hands. “Put it down,” he snaps.

I carefully set it on the counter behind me, the call still ringing.Please, Alessandro,I plead silently.Please, hear me.

Don stalks closer, undeterred by Rivin's warning snarls. "I knew I never should've rented this place to you," he says. "You're far too much goddamn trouble."

Indignation flares within me. "It's not my fault someone broke into the place!”

"Cut the shit," Don growls, pulling a lighter from his pocket. My blood runs cold at the sight of it. Oh my god. Did he freaking pour paint thinner all over the place to set the building on fire?

No. Please, no,I pray. But I don’t think God is listening today because those puddles weren’t here last night.

"We both know your boyfriend and the Sheriff are looking into me because of you,” Don says. “A previous tenant called me, demanding to know why the sheriff was asking about our lease. They're fucking up my business plan, Heidi."

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