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“Do you ever shut the fuck up?” Mickey greets her, a deceptive calm in his voice. I stay silent, watching her every move, aware of the tension coiled tight within me, ready to spring. “And for fuck’s sake, stop covering yourself up. You haven’t earned the right.” Without warning or notice, he fists the sheet wrapped around her, and despite her objections, he tears it from her, exposing her naked body.

Gail doesn’t fight him, she just lifts her chin in a defiant tilt as her chest heaves. “Fuck you,” she hisses, tossing her black and white hair across one shoulder.

The hair… wait, Abby has had this weird monochrome dye-job since we first saw her at New Year’s, but Gail’s only ever had her brown hair when we’ve seen her. “What’s with the hair?” I ask, my lips and tongue moving before I even knew I wanted to ask her about it.

She shoots me a look so filled with ice it would make a lesser man want to shrivel up and die. Too bad for her, I’m not a fucking lesser man. “What’s with the kidnapping?” she volleys, her tone haughty.

Our gazes remain locked, silence spanning across the room as we continue our staring contest.

Breaking first, Gail shrugs. “I wasn’t ready to show the world my little rebellion.” She laughs bitterly. “So I’ve been using a wig everywhere except Cupid’s and Luce’s house.”

Well… I don’t know what I expected her to say, but that definitely wasn’t it.

Still not ready to look away, I keep my eyes on Gail as Mickey moves closer until we’re standing shoulder-to-shoulder. She looks between us, her gaze lingering on the tattoos that snake over my skin, the inked reminders of a life lived hard and fast. There’s curiosity there, but something else too—fear, maybe. Whatever it is, it sends a jolt straight to my cock, and I curse silently. Not now.

Gail shifts on the bed, crossing one leg over the other and throwing one arm across her tits, like we aren’t already intimately familiar with every inch of her body.

“Please,” Gail’s voice breaks, blue eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “I didn’t know. You have to believe me.”

“Believe you?” My laugh is cold, bitter. “You think this is some kind of misunderstanding? You think you can just bat those pretty eyes and everything will be fine? Even you can’t be that fucking dumb.”

Mickey’s watching me, his jaw clenched tight. There’s a storm brewing behind those silver eyes, and I know we’re both close to the edge.

“You still have her phone?” I ask him, remembering him taking it last night.

Mickey nods, fishing it out of his pocket. “You need to text Lucia. Tell her you’re too sick to come to her house,” Mickey orders, holding the phone up.

“Go to hell.” Her voice is a whisper, but it carries the weight of her defiance.

The smile spreading across Mick’s lips is cold. “Fine. I’ll do it.” He holds the phone up in front of her, unlocking it with her face. Then his thumbs fly over the keyboard, and I watch Gail deflate, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “Done.” Mickey pockets the phone again, his expression triumphant.

Refusing to cower, Gail lets out a mocking laugh. “Whatever you wrote, Luce will know it didn’t come from me.”

Instead of letting her know that I’m scared that’s exactly what will happen, I turn to where she’s still sitting on the bed. “Are you hungry?” I ask before checking if she’s still fine for water. I brought her a couple of bottles during the night, and one of them is still unopened.

“Fuck off,” she says, sounding more sad than angry.

With a shrug, I leave the room with Mickey, locking the door behind us so she can’t go anywhere. Normally, we’d have breakfast together and talk about the game and Cupid’s last night, but we don’t. We each head to our individual bedrooms.

Hours pass by, and I’m almost asleep, exhaustion making my eyelids heavy when Mickey comes barging into my bedroom, Gail’s phone in hand. The sinisterly triumphant smile on his lips as he shows me the text is all I need to know we’ve gotten away with it.

Luce: Okay *thumbs up emoji* Feel better soon, and let me know if you need anything!

As soon as we’re back in the bedroom Gail’s occupying, Mickey gleefully reads the text out to her, and when she scoffs like she doesn’t believe him, he shows her the words, proving she isn’t going to be missed by her best friend any time soon.

Now, her family… that’s obviously another story, one I don’t care to get into. I don’t plan on keeping Gail at my house forever, just long enough to find out what the hell we need to do.

“How far along are you?” I ask Gail, arching an eyebrow as I take in her flat stomach and heavy tits.

Shit, playing with them yesterday at Cupid’s I did notice they’ve grown, which could be due to other things like implants or weight gain. But we’d know if she’d gotten implants, and she’s definitely not gained weight, at least not anywhere else on her body.

“Have you even had the alleged preggo status checked by a doctor?” Mickey asks, his tone harsh.

She shakes her head. “No.” Ahh, so she might not even be pregnant.

“So you could be lying,” Mickey says, his words echoing my thoughts.

Gail gnashes her teeth together, refusing to answer us. She makes a big show of looking anywhere but at us, like that’s somehow giving her an edge.

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