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I do my best to calm myself down, mentally reminding myself that this is Mickey and Soren, the OGs for my threesome fantasies. The guys that always flirt, always find a reason to touch me when we’re around each other.

All that should assure me they won’t actually hurt me, but the looks in their eyes say something completely different. The looks they throw at me in the rearview mirror aren’t like anything else I’ve seen on them before. Gone is the banter and the flirtiness. The sexual tension between us is replaced by malice that’s so potent it’s filling up the car.

If I’m completely honest with myself, I don’t feel safe with these guys right now.


Fuck me sideways, I can’t believe this is happening. I grit my teeth as I haul Gail out of the backseat of the car, feeling her squirm and struggle to get away from me like a caged animal. With every wriggle, every desperate attempt to escape, my blood boils a little more. How could she do this to us? How could she betray our trust like this?

“Take her to the spare room,” Soren barks.

Gail’s blue eyes are wild with fear and panic as I drag her up the stairs, her heels scraping against the hardwood floors of Soren’s house. It would probably be kinder to carry her, but fuck that. She doesn’t deserve kindness. Besides, I’m not going to deny how much I like watching her struggle, or the way the sheet around her is barely covering anything anymore, exposing both tits now. Her makeup is ruined from crying, she looks exactly like the damn desperate whore she is, and I both want to fuck and throttle her.

“Mickey, please,” she tries again. When I shake my head, her eyes seek out Soren over my shoulder. “You’ve got this all wrong. I can explain.” Her voice trembles, and for a split second, I waver.

“Oh, you’re right, Gail. You can explain a lot of shit, can’t you?” I narrow my silver eyes at her, my teeth clenched so tightly I’m pretty damn sure I’ll shatter my fucking molars as I drag her onto the bed. I grip Gail’s wrists, pinning them to the bed with a force that might seem excessive to an outsider, but that feels just right in my anger.

“Let me go!” Gail’s voice is a jarring mix of anger and fear, her blue eyes sparking a fire that rivets my attention despite myself.

“Shut up,” I snarl, even though I know she won’t. She’s like a wild thing—beautiful but untamable and definitely untrustworthy.

Soren fishes the key to the handcuffs from his jeans pocket, and I hold her down while he secures her wrists to the headboard. I’m not sure where we’re going with this, but I’m too angry, too unsettled to stop and examine the situation further.

Pregnant… nope. I’m not falling for that shit again.

“Please,” she begs, and a part of me, the part that’s still human beneath all the scars, flinches. But I shove it down. Hard. Can’t afford weakness. Not now.


“Quiet, Gail.” Soren’s voice is steel, no trace of the tenderness I’ve occasionally caught him showing her. “You brought this on yourself.”

“Fuck you,” she spits back, and I’m torn between admiration for her spirit and the fury being pumped through my veins.


“Watch your mouth, sweetheart,” I sneer. There’s a tightness in my chest, a heavy feeling that makes it hard to breathe. I shake it off as Soren drags me into the adjoining bathroom.

“We can’t leave her tied up.” He pitches his tone so low Gail won’t be able to hear him.

“Right,” I agree. Jesus, it’s only now hitting me that we fucking kidnapped her.

My reflection in the mirror doesn’t offer any comfort. Silver eyes cold, white hair disheveled from the struggle. I look fucking wild and out of control, exactly how I feel.

“Mick!” Soren snaps his fingers in my face, gaining my attention. “We need to get rid of anything she can use as a weapon before releasing her from the fucking bed.”

Right, right. I nod to show I’ve heard him, and while he combs through the bedroom, I clear out razors, tweezers, anything remotely sharp from the bathroom. While I gather the offending items, my mind flashes back to Simone, the way she looked at me with, what I thought was love and adoration, in her eyes before it all came crashing down. The sharp pain of betrayal claws at my insides, but I lock it away. Can’t deal with that shit now.


Back in the guest room, Soren’s checking under the bed, in the drawers, anywhere for something Gail can use as a weapon. His muscles ripple beneath inked skin. He’s methodical, leaving no stone unturned. I trust him to cover everything. Always have.

When I look at Gail, she’s no longer donning the expression of misery that I liked seeing on her. Despite being fucking fastened to the bed, she looks haughty. How the hell is that even possible?

“What’s your master plan?” she taunts, her eyes following every movement Soren makes. “I have a family, you know. My brother’s a police officer and my dad’s a detective. And I see Luce almost daily.”

“Your point?” I drawl, pretending her words aren’t getting to me.

She bares her teeth at me. “My point, pretty boy, is that people will miss me. You can’t just—”

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