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“The hell it doesn’t!” she sputters indignantly. “What you—”

Sighing, I interrupt her. “What matters is that we’ll get Gail back. There are no ifs or maybes about it. So you can either help us, or step aside. But make no mistake, it’ll happen.” I pitch my voice low enough that it’s only the four of us who can hear what I’m saying. “Gail is ours, even if she hasn’t realized it yet. And as for you, well, I frankly don’t give a flying fuck. It’s not your decision.”

“And do you feel the same way?” she sniffs, pointing at Soren.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes. Yes I do,” he rumbles.

A sly smile spreads across Lucia’s lips, making her look like the cat that just ate the canary. “Well, halle-fucking-lujah,” she grins. “It’s about time you got your heads out of your asses.”

Sawyer lovingly nuzzles the crook of his wife’s neck. “Stop stringing them along and tell them what you told me, Bunny.”

She playfully swats him away, moving closer to us. “If you know how to play the long game, there might be hope for you yet.”

“How so?” I ask, anticipation spreading under my skin.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to help us,” Soren asks incredulously.

“I am,” Lucia grins. “But you have to do it my way.”


Since Luce came back from New Jersey almost two weeks ago, I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind of open houses and putting the final touches on EduSync. With only two days left until we launch, we’re as ready as we can be. Despite my objections, Luce has taken care of the launch party by herself, insisting she has everything under control and doesn’t need my help.

“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help?” I ask again.

Shaking her head, Luce focuses on the road ahead. “I got it all under control, Gail. You just need to focus on finding the perfect house for you and Fet.”

“Whatever you say, buttercup.”

By now, I’m feeling like Goldilocks; the first house we looked at today was too sterile, the second and third too cramped, the fourth and sixth too big and they lacked charm, the fifth too… well, it just wasn’t right.

The six failures today are just the latest in the long list of houses we’ve visited over the last weeks. Despite the failures, I’m not discouraged. There’s a house out there that’s just right for me, I know it.

“Okay, what about this one? Lucky number seven,” Luce asks as we pull up to the last listing on my list. Actually, this one wasn’t on my list. She found it, and didn’t tell me about it until approximately thirty minutes ago.

Ignoring the way my heart clenches at the mention of ‘lucky number seven’ which is one of the nicknames fans call Mickey, I twist in the passenger seat, taking in the modest ranch-style house, unassuming from the outside but with a promise of something more within. “Only one way to find out.” I hop out of the car, feeling that familiar tingle of anticipation.

The air is different here—crisp, laden with the scent of blooming lilacs that guard the entrance like fragrant sentinels. I feel it in my bones; this is the place. The one I saw in dreams where shadows whispered secrets of a future I could grasp with both hands.

Instead of going inside, she drags me around back to look at the yard first. “Jesus, Luce,” I mumble as I realize just how big the house is. From the front it looked reasonably sized, but from back here, you can see just how massive it is. It’s way too big for me and Fet.

“Don’t get hung up on the size.” Looking around the garden, she throws her arms out wide. “Can you imagine Fet playing out here?” Luce asks, her voice slicing through my reverie as we stand on the threshold of what could be my garden of Eden.

“Every single day,” I reply, gazing out at the sprawling green canvas that begs for little feet to dance upon it. Sunlight plays hide and seek among the leaves, casting dappled patterns that dance just out of reach. It’s perfect. It’s home—or at least it could be.

“Right?” Luce grins up at me from where she’s crouched, inspecting the flower beds. “I should get some of these,” she mumbles, pointing at the colorful petals.

“Let’s go inside,” I suggest, barely containing the excitement that bubbles up from somewhere deep within me. This isn’t just another house; it’s a chance to redefine everything. Noticing she isn’t following me, I turn back around. “Are you coming?”

Laughing, she shakes her head. “Nah. You go look around first. Take it all in.”

As I step inside, the first thing I notice is the light. It pours in through the large windows, filling the space with a warmth that immediately puts me at ease. The living room opens up before me, with high, beamed ceilings that make the room feel grand yet cozy. My eyes are drawn to the sleek, stone fireplace that reminds me of the one in Soren’s house—it’s modern, but there’s something comforting about it, like it’s waiting to be the heart of this home.

I run my fingers over the plush sofa cushions, feeling the softness beneath my touch. The colors are muted, soft grays and creams, but the throw pillows add a pop of life, vibrant and textured. It’s a perfect blend of modern and inviting, just the kind of place where I can imagine sinking in after a long day.

To my left, the kitchen catches my eye, and I can’t help but feel a flutter of excitement. It’s a chef’s paradise—sleek, stainless steel appliances gleam under the modern pendant lights that hang above the island. I walk over and brush my hand across the cool, smooth quartz countertop, feeling a sense of satisfaction at how perfect it all is. The dark walnut cabinets are both beautiful and practical, offering more storage than I could ever need.

As I make my way down the hallway, the atmosphere shifts slightly, becoming more intimate. The large windows in the master bedroom let in just the right amount of light, casting a soft glow that makes everything feel calm and serene.

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