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“See you, Gail,” they say in unison, and then they’re gone, leaving me alone with the shattered pieces of my trust.

As soon as the front door clicks shut, I spring into action. I storm through the house, gathering my belongings with frantic haste. I yank open drawers, closets, and throw everything into bags and suitcases. Their betrayal echoes in every empty corner, a relentless reminder of why I have to leave.

“Damn you both,” I mutter, zipping up the last bag. Betrayal tastes like acid on my tongue, and it’s all I can do not to scream. I trusted them, let them in, believed we had something real. But they’ve shown me that nothing is sacred, not even the bond I thought we shared.

My eyes sting, but I refuse to cry. Not yet. There’s no time for tears—I need to be strong for Fet, for the future I’m carving out for us.

Heartbroken, yes.

Broken? Never.

Dear Mickey and Soren,

This is breaking me, more than I can even put into words. But you need to understand why I’m walking away.

I’ve fallen in love with you both, and that’s what makes this so unbearable.

Being with you opened up a part of me I didn’t know was there, a piece of my heart that you both filled. But I can’t stay with people I can’t trust, especially when more than just my heart is on the line.

I need to find my way through this mess, to be strong and clear-headed for myself and for Fet. She deserves the best version of me, and being with you… that isn’t bringing out my best self. That’s not your fault, I think it’s mine.

I’ll make sure you’re a part of her life, because she’s part of you, too.

When I’m ready, I’ll reach out. Until then, please, give me the space to heal.


My vision blurs as I fold the letter, the ink smearing slightly against my fingertips. It feels like a final kiss, one that lingers with the bitter taste of goodbye. With trembling hands, I hang it on the fridge, right next to the newest picture of Fet.

Before doubt can claw its way in, I load my belongings into my car. As I return to lock up, I get the spare key from the lockbox next to the front door. I only know the combination because Soren gave it to me when I camped out at Luce’s house, in case I returned before they did.

I do a last check that I have everything I need; my phone, check, my purse, check, and the rest of the stuff is already in my car. With trembling hands, I lock up, placing the key back in the lockbox.

When I’m in my car, I see the replies from Luce and Jamie, both of them confirming they’re on their way to my apartment.

As I drive to my apartment, the city streaks past me in a blur of color and light. My grip tightens on the steering wheel, each block taking me further from the life I thought I had, propelling me toward an uncertain future.

I pull into the familiar parking spot, my heart a mix of lead and wildfire. My apartment waits, silent and indifferent to the upheaval inside me. Jamie’s car is already parked beside Luce’s, so I know they’re both here.

“Hey,” I call out as I push the door open to my apartment, my voice steadier than I feel. Moving boxes litter the living room floor where Jamie and Lucia are already waiting. The detritus of a life once lived with careless abandon, now a carefully curated collection of necessities.

“About time you showed up,” Luce teases, but her eyes are soft with worry. Jamie just nods, his big brother gaze saying everything his silence doesn’t.

I haven’t told them anything except I want to pack up my apartment, yet they’re here, ready to help with no questions asked. Christ, how amazing are these two people?!

“Let’s get this over with.” I roll up my sleeves, diving into the task like it’s a balm for my frayed nerves. Each object I touch sparks a memory, a ghostly whisper of what was. But there’s no room for sentimentality; that ship has sailed, or rather, I’ve set it on fire.

“Remember this?” Lucia holds up a photo of us from a night out.

A pang hits me, but I shove it down since this isn’t the time to fall apart. “Keep it,” I say. “To remember me by when I go off-grid and start a new life as a hermit.”

“Fat chance,” Jamie chuckles, ruffling my dual-colored hair. “You’d miss us too damn much.”

The hours bleed together as we pack, tape, and label, we’re moving like a well-oiled machine, and apart from a few minor breaks, we’re constantly going. Since it’s only my stuff here now, packing up my life doesn’t take as long as I’d feared, and we’re done by mid-afternoon.

“It looks like we’re done,” Jamie announces, stretching his back with a groan. We look around at the hollow shell of my apartment, and I swallow the lump in my throat. This is it—the first step toward reclaiming myself.

“I can’t believe this is it,” Luce says, looking around as though she’s sure we’ve missed something. But we haven’t; every room is now condensed into boxes, and the only things left are the appliances and furniture that were here when we moved into the apartment.

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