Page 92 of Command

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And what an unfortunate death it was, even for a human. Threxin had read the report. They may have been able to save the prisoner they’d administered the vaccine to, but medical resources had to be managed conservatively. Too conservatively to waste them on a prisoner.

For all his talk, Orion Halen did not seem overly sentimental about his people after all, even though Kaia looked visibly uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was going.

“What did the sim say?” Tetha asked.

“Still running. I’m putting it through ten thousand iterations this time. Just in case.”

“Don’t take too long,” Orion said. “We can spare a few more.”

He glanced at his female. “You should go rest, Kaia.”

She sat on a high stool near the door, picking at the limp salad he’d brought for her.

“Stop the simulation,” Tetha set the tablet aside. “It will not work.”

The human looked mildly offended. “What makes you say that?”

“The plasma markers are through the roof. It will induce a cytokine storm in the subject.”

“Maybe anuhyresubject, but human physiology?—”

“I will record modifications to the compound that you will try next,” Tetha said flatly. “You will move directly to human testing.”

“We should sim—Don’t you flick your claws at me. I’ve been doing this a?—”

Threxin cleared his throat, drawing the human woman’s inflamed glare as well as Tetha’s amused one toward him.

“You will synthesize the compound Tetha instructs. You will conduct simultaneous tests on three prisoners.”

The human pressed her dark lips into a thin line and shoved her hands into the pockets of her dusted green jacket.Her attention slid to Orion, who looked less pleased about witnessing Threxin execute his authority than the prospect of using three humans as test subjects. Threxin wondered if he would care should one of the humans be his own sire. No matter—Per Halen was still safely tucked away in isolation, waste of resources that he was.

“I will require more blood for the subvariant batch,” Tetha glanced at Kaia.

Her mouth twisted into a wry smile. She cut Orion off before he even spoke. “It’s fine. I’ve had an electrolyte drip.”

“We’ll need more exorin too.”

Threxin began to reach for the set of empty tubes.

“Not from you,” Tetha cut him off. “I need a diluted sample.”

Threxin halted, looking to Orion Halen, who was already coming up behind his female in her seat, slinging his arms over her sloped shoulders and resting his chin on top of her head.

“We’re almost there,” he muttered to her. “This might be the one. Just a little longer.”

She nodded under his chin, curling her hand around his forearm across her chest. She ran her nails along the length of his arm lightly, then harder. Threxin could just imagine how such an act would make his spikes tingle—and it did, judging by the flash in Orion’s eyes. Orion tightened his hold, squeezing her harder into the plane of his chest.

Tetha observed all this with mild curiosity. The other human appeared more used to such “extraction,” watching them blandly with a test tube in her hand.

Kaia Halena paid them no mind as she took Orion’s other hand in hers and guided it to her lips brazenly. He pressed his mouth into his female’s hair, and when she curled her lips around his finger and sucked he inhaled sharply, closing his eyes.

Threxin’s nostrils flared, his limiter humming a warning.That could be him and Alina Argoud, just as soon as she stopped being stubborn.

“I want to run,” Kaia Halena mumbled, barely audible, with his finger on her tongue, and Threxin’s groin tightened with the memory of what he witnessed with Alina weeks ago in the blood passages. He’d ached to slam into Alina right there as they’d watched the scene from the shadows. Threxin swallowed and saw Orion’s throat begin a similar motion before he caught himself and held out a hand over his female’s shoulder with an impatient flap of the fingers.

Priya stepped forward and dropped the flask in his hand.

“Thanks, baby.” Orion let his wife suck most of the saliva off his digit before extracting it from her mouth and patting her cheek.

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