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“Call me when you’re done with that tomorrow so we can go over a few things. I need to catch you up on where we’re at and what has been going on,” Dad states, washing his meal down with beer.

After dinner, I clear the table, reaching over to grab one of the take-away food containers from the middle of the table. Massimo, who’s now on the other side of tipsy, rests his hand on my lower back.

“Need a hand, Lakey?”

“No thanks, I’ve got it,” I reply with a tight smile.

He lets his hand drop slowly, deliberately moving down my body, making sure his hand passes wholly over my ass. My stomach tries to turn out the food I’ve just eaten. I glance over at Blaze. He definitely saw what Massimo did. I can see his jaw tic, the muscles there rippling. He’s more than likely grinding his teeth. It seems he’s also clenching his fists under the table because the muscles in his arms and chest are flexing.

Blaze clears his throat, his eyes now burning a hole right through Massimo’s. Massimo smirks and lazily drops his hand away to take another swig of his beer, knowing that Blaze won’t start trouble in front of my father.

I don’t think Dad ever notices how sleazy his best friend istoward me. If he knew even half the things Massimo has done, he would get rid of him once and for all. Probably after a good beating too. But I can’t bring myself to tell him because other than me, Massimo is the closest thing Dad has to family.

“Back in a few.” Blaze stands abruptly, making his chair screech as it scrapes against the floor. He exits the room in a few quick, long strides, heading toward the bathroom. Boy, he must really need to go.

I try to keep plenty of distance between Massimo and me while I finish clearing the table. I’m washing up my wine glass when Dad calls over from the dining table.

“Bella, can you please grab us a few more beers from the garage?”

“Yeah, let me just put this glass away.” I finish drying the wine glass.

I walk down the hallway to the garage, entering and closing the door behind me. Leaning with my back against the door, I let out a long sigh. This dinnercannotfinish soon enough. Massimo is drunk and his usual disgusting self. And there are all these thoughts about Blaze flying around my head. Taking a minute to breathe, I try to compartmentalize this dinner. I don’t want it to end, but at the same time, I wish it was finished so I can snuggle up in the warmth and safety of my bed.

After quickly grabbing three beers from the drink’s refrigerator, I step through the door to go back into the house and bump into Blaze.

“Sorry,” Blaze apologizes as he catches me and the beers before I drop them and make a mess. I don’t say anything. Instead, I inhale deeply through my nose. He smells so good, like whiskey, hazelnut, and pure masculinity.

With his hands still holding onto my elbows, he takes a step closer to me, closing the already small distance between us, and dips his head so our eyes are almost level. He stares at me withthose deep brown eyes—this close, they look almost black. My breath hitches as I stare up at him, my jaw going slack and my mouth falling open so my lips are barely parted. All I want to do is put my hands and lips on him and feel him inside me. So many dirty thoughts race through my head.

It is beyond dangerous for us both with Dad and Massimo in the next room.

This man will be my ruin.

Chapter Five


God, she smells good, like fruit punch and red wine. The wine she had over dinner stained her plump lips a deep red, almost purple. My eyes drag down to her neck, where her rapidly beating pulse is visible just beneath the surface of her skin. I press my lips together tightly to prevent myself from sinking my teeth into her flesh. I want to taste her right here and now against the door, devouring her mouth before burying my head between her legs. Damned if we get caught and Enzo shoots me.

What a way to go.

I push those thoughts deep down into the recesses of my brain for now because I saw what Massimo did to her. She looked so uncomfortable when he put his rotten hands on her. All she needs is another horny dickhead pining over her. I need to make sure she is okay.

“Are you all right? I saw Massimo getting handsy,” I admit. I feel like a fool. I should have decked the scumbag then and there and dealt with any repercussions that came my way from Enzo after the fact. Schooling my facial expression, I try to be calm and comforting, which is almost impossible as I am fuming on the inside.

Her eyes intently watch my lips. My eyes dart down to hers, too, as she swipes her tongue over them. Now they’re glistening wet. I would love to know what they would look and feel like wrapped around my cock. I bet they are as soft and luscious as they look. I shut my eyes tight for a beat, letting the delicious notion seep into me.

I’ll be using that thought later.

This girl makes me so hard. Shit, it’s been forever since I got my dick wet. I probably should have called up one of the womenfrom the list in my cell. Assuming they’d still have the same number, that is. It’s been a while. But the moment I saw Lake when I walked out of the prison, I knew she was the only girl I’deverwant.

Hopefully, she likes things a little rough.

I was sick of ordinary, boring, and unexciting sex before I got locked up. You can only screw in doggy-style position so many times before eventhatbecomes mundane as shit. The girls in my contact list are a little pliable, but they still have hard limits, which sucks harder than a starved leech.

Leaning in closer to her, close enough to taste the wine on her breath, I hold my face there, so close, yet so far. I’m still waiting for her answer, but it’s like her words are stuck. Her chest is heaving slightly. Looking down, I see those sweet nipples poking through her top again. Her eyes, even though so close to mine, are distant. It’s as though her mind is elsewhere. I raise my eyebrows and dip my head down, getting her eyes trained on mine again.

“Mm-hmm.” Lake gives me a nonreply. It’s more a clearing of her throat—she was totally distracted.

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