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It’s already past eight in the morning. I have a text message from Massimo telling me he left Dad still sleeping this morning at about seven, something about having a job to run. I also have a missed call and a voice message from a number with no caller ID.

Frowning, I turn to see if Blaze is still asleep, and his heavy, even breaths are a sure sign he is. Scooting out of bed, I try not to shift the mattress too much to avoid waking the beautiful beast. I creep from the room and out into the kitchen.

Wondering who is calling me from a private number, I play the voicemail message. As soon as I hear the distorted voice, my blood runs cold. Whoever it was has used a voice changer, and in my panic, all I manage to hear is “help,” “Dad,” “watch,” and “you.” I calm myself with a few deep breaths before replaying the message.

“Oh,little pet, you play a dangerous game with that clueless bastard. I know you have been screwing your dad’s help. Have you been spreading those sweet thighs for all of your dad’s men? You better watch your back, pet. I’m coming to get you and when I do, I will have some of my own fun with you.”

My stomach rolls, and I feel as though I’m going to vomit.

Who the hell could that have been? I feel so sick.

Do I tell Blaze? Dad?

I don’t want them to stress, but at the same time, this personhas just threatened me. With what?



My mind is literally racing when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“Shit!” I yell, jumping around to find a sleepy-looking Blaze whose expression has morphed into shock and confusion at my reaction.

“Lake, are you okay? What’s wrong?” he questions, eyebrows pulling together in worry.

I won’t tell him, at least not until I can wrap my head around the threats or find the person brazen enough to threaten a Morelli, or until I can think clearly and make a sure decision.

“N-nothing. I think I’m just tired.” I manage to get out, forcing a yawn. I really am still tired. It feels as though I got maybe an hour of sleep, if that.

Blaze puts an arm over my shoulders and wraps it around my neck, pulling me into him and kissing my forehead. “That’s my fault. I should have been more mindful of the time and got us to bed at a reasonable hour.”

I wrap my arms around his waist, drawing warmth from his rock-hard body. He is always so hot. The thought of having my very own walking, talking, fucking hot water bottle makes me smile into his chest.

“Can I make it up to you by making you a strong-ass coffee?” He leans back to see my face and gives me one of the sweetest, sorriest faces with puppy dog eyes I’ve ever seen.

My eyes roll into the back of my head. “Yes, please.” I groan.

“Are we talking about the same thing here? I’m only offering you a coffee.” He laughs.

“One I desperately need,” I reply with another yawn.

He kisses me again, this time on my lips, and I let my arms fall from around his waist so he can start on the coffee I really do need. I get a whole-body shiver at the quick memory of thevoicemail, walk over to the sofa to sit, and pet Lucifer while I wait.


After we’ve had coffee and a quick breakfast, Blaze takes me home so I can look after Dad. The drive back to my dad’s house is a quiet one, my mind running in overdrive about the whole of yesterday.

About my time spent with Blaze and how intoxicating he is.

About my dad. I have no idea how much he drank yesterday, but it must have been so much more than usual. He was passed out in bed quite early when I called last night.

Then that voicemail. What the heck?

I have no idea why Blaze is quiet, but maybe he has just as much on his mind.

Before I know it, we are pulling up to the house, and, thankfully, I can’t see Massimo’s car, so hopefully, he really did have to leave Dad for a job this morning.

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