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“Thanks, man,” I say. “Yes. I know what you mean. But he’s here in spirit.”

“Course he is.” Cal smirks. “You think he’d leave you in charge of this place? He never left.”

Joey, Cal, and I chuckle, and I feel grateful that my family is here beside me. Cal and Joey’s wives are somewhere around. I spoke to Polly, Cal’s wife, last night after their long journey, and Sheila gave me a hug earlier when she, Joey, and the girls arrived.

The five of us guys are talking when Gerry wanders over from the marquee.

“Hey, Pops,” I joke.

Gerry gives me a grin as he walks up onto the porch. “All I can say is, it’s about darn time.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Cal says enthusiastically.

The rest of the guys offer something similar, and I roll my eyes at their mocking tones. I look at Gerry and say, “Hey, just be grateful. With my and your daughter’s communication skills, it’s a miracle it’s happening at all.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Gerry chuckles. He holds out a hand to me, and we shake. “But all joking aside, it’s an honor to welcome you into the family, son.”

“How’s Tilly?” I ask, nodding to the upper level of the house where I know she’s getting ready with the help of Bella and Mel.

Gerry raises his hands. “I’m staying out of the way for a reason.”

I look a little alarmed. “That bad?”

Gerry chuckles. “I’m only kidding. Everything’s just fine, Jake. Don’t you worry. She’ll be where she’s supposed to be, when she’s supposed to be there.”

An hour later, I’m standing before the whole town, all of whom have come out to help us celebrate. If anyone drove through Baskington right now, all they’d see is tumbleweeds because I know every store, bar, and salon is closed today. It’s more of a ghost town than a small town.

The music begins—“Canon in D Major,” composed by Johann Pachelbel—and everyone suddenly quiets and stands. I straighten, and Chris and Phil are right by my side with encouraging smiles.

I’m not supposed to look, but I don’t care. We’ve already made this wedding our own, and as I glance behind me, the sight of her takes my breath away. Her dress flows around her; in fact, she looks like an angel. I can’t say I’ve ever seen her look so beautiful, and when she reaches me, I’m still stunned at the sight of her.

Taking her hand, I gaze into her eyes and thank the universe and everything in it that Tilly found her way back to me.

After our vows, we share a tender kiss, and a great round of applause goes up from everyone behind us.

“I love you so much,” I whisper against her cheek.

“And I love you right back.” Tilly beams.

When we turn to look at our guests, I can tell you I’m the happiest guy in the world, and beside me stands Mrs. Tilly Coulter. At long last. I mean, it’s only taken nearly eleven years.

Later, after all the congratulations and the photographs, everyone makes their way to the marquee. It’s a huge tent that cost me a fortune, but I don’t care. I’m a billionaire, right? And besides, Tilly now has all sorts of business ideas about the ranch and has told me she’ll be able to make good use of it.

For now, though, it’s where our celebrations are being held.

We make our way to the five-tier cake. At first, I thought it was a bit ostentatious, until the guys reminded me that everyone in the town would want a piece, and then I was worried itwasn’t ostentatious enough. But as usual, Tilly settled my fears. Something she’s done throughout all the stages of planning,

“Okay, you two,” the photographer says. “Get in closer.”

“Does he want us in the actual cake?” Tilly whispers sarcastically while we both grip the knife.

I try not to laugh, but I fail and let out a small chuckle.

“That’s it,” he says, waving at us from behind his camera. “Great.”

There are several flashes as he captures the moment, and then a hoard of people behind him wants to do the same. We’re standing there for quite some time, and Tilly makes me laugh again when she says, “Can I stop smiling yet? My cheeks are killing me.”

I’m about to tell her that people have enough pictures when some sort of ruckus at the other end of the marquee seems to catch everyone’s attention. And then the squealing starts.

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