Page 28 of Menage a Passions

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Caitlyn hated to admit it, but seeing Jane frown for the first time since they left the Monroes’ gave her theslightestbit of pleasure. “How did you know about that?” Jane asked the madam of all madams.

“I know who everyone has slept with in this town. I even know the name of the girl who was with Ms. Adams when she met you, Ms. Wong. I am equally in the business of information as I am in kinky hospitality. So, don’t take it personally. There are things that I know about around here that I wish I didn’t.”

“Right, well…”

Caitlyn took the opportunity to cut in. “You’re as in the dark as I am right now. I thought we were going home.” She glanced at Jane, expecting an explanation. “Isn’t that right, Lin?”

“Now, give me a second, love.” Jane patted her wife’s leg. “This is important, I promise.”

“I will save you the trouble of telling me the details,” Monica said. “I’m quite aware that Culver Hospitality is looking to expand on the long-term success of The Dark Hour. You must also be aware that my husband and I are frequent visitors there and have a membership to the Diamond VIP Lounge. We have many fond memories of the Monroes’ biggest piece in their hospitality puzzle. Likewise, Damon has entertained many of hismale business associates here, with his wife’s knowledge. We have a friendly rivalry, but we are careful to not tread upon each other’s toes in a place where we do not wish to saturate the market and start losing money.” She narrowed her gaze at Jane. “So, why are you here?”

“Because Cait and I like the idea of diversifying our personal investment portfolios into this kind of hospitality. Don’t we, Cait?”

“We haven’t discussed it at any real length.”

“Well,Ilike Damon’s plan. But I am not stupid.” When Jane donned a serious demeanor, it was like flicking a switch in a well-lit room.It’s not the sudden darkness that surprises you.It was the quiet. The solitude. “It could crash and burn if we, God forbid, had another pandemic or the political landscape boots the arses of half the wealthy around here. Now, now, I’m not looking to talkAmericanpolitics of all things.” She held her hand up to Cait, who was on the verge of chastising her for bringing up the election. “I am a pragmatist beneath all of this girlish bluster. I see something. I want that something. But I also want to be smart about it. Ask how many of the dunderheads who come into our office.Iam the one who tells them no first.”

“It’s true,” Caitlyn said. “She often decides no before I have a chance to think about it.”

“Are you saying you want to invest inme?” Monica chuckled. “Sounds like a conflict of interest with Damon.”

“Surely, there is something in your arsenal that could use green greasing,” Jane said. “Want to buy up the flat next door, knock down this wall, and expand?” She leaned forward, hands in prayer position before her dour face. “Or how about your Chateau? You spend less time up there, I hear. Understandable, since you have had a family and have moved your base of operations to Warren Manor. Maybe you need more staff to oversee everything for you.”

Monica’s pursed lips hid what she truly thought. Caitlyn wasn’t half as annoyed as Jane probably was, but this wasn’t Caitlyn’s show.I’m along for the ride.“This conversation is beyond the scope of this office,” Monica eventually said. “Let me give you my business number, Ms. Wong. Ms. Adams.” Demure, but sure to include everyone. That was Monica’s successful approach to business. “And since you’ve been so open with me, I suggest you extend Damon the same love. The last thing I need is him and Alice thinking I’ve poached you like I’ve poached half of their employees.”

Caitlyn and Jane were allowed to finish their hot chocolates at the bar, where Gavin the drink master crafted cocktails for other guests while the hostess took care of a mess in the bathroom. Jane was mum as she sipped her wintery delicacy, but all Caitlyn could do was stir her spoon and grunt.

“What are you thinking?” she muttered to her wife. “Think past business for a second. Damon’s yourbest friend. Do you want to potentially piss him off over money? Either we invest in their business plan or we don’t. Either way, we don’t drag the Warrens into it!”

“Relax, Cait. I know exactly what I’m doing.” Jane wiped her mouth with a napkin and did a double-take at her wife. “Did you even read that dossier our assistant put together? You would have seen this coming if you did.”

“I flipped through it earlier today but didn’t read the details, no. I figured you were spearheading this, so…”

“So, you didn’t need the details? Oh, Cait.” Janetsked.After paying their tab, she motioned for Caitlyn to leave with her. The hostess grabbed Caitlyn’s sweater from the front closet. “I’m about five steps ahead ofbothMonica and Damon. I have been for months!”

“Again, what are you talking about?”

Once they were past the bouncer and in the quiet of the hallway, Jane motioned for Caitlyn to follow her in the opposite direction of the elevator.What now?Caitlyn glanced back at the bouncer, who didn’t care about what they were up to now that they weren’t his problem.


Caitlyn didn’t have a choice. With her sweater slung over her arm, she hurried after Jane, who had already disappeared around a dark corner.

“While I didn’t know about Lady Winchester’s relationship to the penthouse over yonder,” Jane said as she stood in front of a door locked with a keypad, “Ididknow about this place. I wasn’t joking when I asked Monica if she wanted to knock down a wall and make Le Salon bigger than she ever dreamed. That place probably makes as much money as The Dark Hour does in one night and with less overhead.” Much to Caitlyn’s chagrin, her wife knew the code to the keypad.How? Why?Oh, she was about to find out, wasn’t she? Because this wasjustlike Jane, the woman who often had her plans percolating beneath the briny surface.

“Lin, I swear to God…”

“Don’t worry, love, I haven’t bought this place.” The door opened. It was dark inside the empty apartment, but Jane entered with confidence, and Caitlyn had no choice but to follow. “But, as you can see, it is on my radar. Look at the potential.”

Caitlyn was soon encased in darkness. Her heels echoed against hardwood floors as she approached the windows with Jane, the same kind seen in Le Salon, where the madam tastefully covered most of the windows with sheer curtains. These, however, were exposed to the night sky.

Unlike Le Salon, which overlooked the downtown metro of a boring New England city, this property featured a surprising view of the Hills.

“It’s nice.” Caitlyn allowed her sweater to fall into her hand as she stood before her wife. “Why are we in an empty apartment? Why do you have access to it? If it’s the same floor plan, I’m afraid it’s not big enough to hold our humble family.”

“For the love of God, Cait, I don’t want to live next door to the salon. I would hope you know me better than that.”

“You haven’t answered any of my questions.”

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