Page 16 of Menage a Passions

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“Color me intrigued, Damon. Get on with it.”

“Simply put, we’re opening a new high-end lounge for people with discerning tastes. I assume you know what that means.”

“Brilliantly kinky, no doubt.”

“Yes. Ideal for private parties. Invite only guest list one or two nights a week. While Alice and I could foot the bill ourselves, we’d prefer to have one or two outside investors. This isn’t a turn-key operation like The Dark Hour. This is a lounge that provides a certain kind of entertainment as well.”

“Didn’t Monica Warren open a hostess lounge recently? Are you trying to compete with heragain?”

“Not only compete but poach her talent like she’s always poaching mine. I’ve already stolen away one of her hostesses to come work for me.”

“How did you do that? The word on the street is you are a worse boss than Monica. She’s a bloody saint. Patron of the high-end sex worker!”

Damon’s ruthless grin announced everything before his words did. “Tell them Alice is the boss. It’s technically true.”

“Two straight women, both wives of local billionaire old money, competing for the same audience. What does that have to do with me?”

“Why, I’m assuming you want in. With your investment, you get a free membership. Because you’re part owner.”

“But your wife is the boss.”

“Jane, do youwantto go all-in on hospitality?”

“Absolutely not.” Jane grinned. “Have your assistant send the details over to me tomorrow. I will do you the favor of taking a look.”

“That’s all I ask.”

Yeah, sure.Jane knew that even if she was the first person Damon asked to help him invest in a new lounge, it wasn’t as simple as handing over some money. Nor could she and Caitlyn be completely anonymous – even if they asked, women like Monica Warren knew how to get answers. The people who mattered would know that Adams & Wong had once again aligned themselves with the Monroes, and…

Jane knew that she was probably being alittleparanoid. Back in Hong Kong, this would be a bigger decision, where alliances and business allegiances often defined “real life” personal relationships to the point that it could affect kids like Cecelia. The Warrens had a close relationship with Winchester Academy. Even though Jane was friendly with them (and the Diamond Dyke herself, Eva Warren,) was she signing herself up for trouble? Would she only cause more issues for Cecelia?

I can’t believe this is what I think about now.

Damon waved his hand in front of her face before departing her office. “Catch you later.”

“Yeah, farewell.” She halfheartedly waved after him, puffing out her cheeks and slamming her head on the back of the couch. Jane didn’t get up and head out to the lobby for another five minutes, where she realized Damon had yet toleave-leave.

Instead, he was chatting with Caitlyn, who entertained him with her usual half-stare when she was sort of interested, sort of out of to lunch. But that wasn’t what caught Jane’s attention. That honor went to Cecelia, who sat in the receptionist’s chair and giggled when Damon said it was lovely to meet her before heading out.

“Since when did we put you to work around here?” Jane asked her niece while Caitlyn asked her assistant for help with something. “Or did you knock out the receptionist with tales of Hong Kong?”

Cecelia spun around in the chair and proclaimed in Cantonese, “That man was your friend? He’s really cute.”

Jane sighed. “That was Damon Monroe, yes. We went to Cambridge together.”

“American boys are so good-looking,” Cecelia continued. “Especially the ones here.”

“Keep calm. They’re not that great.”

“You’re only saying that because you’re a…” Cecelia stopped, and finally, Jane was mildly amused once more.

“Oh, I am a what?” she asked in English. “I cannot wait to know which term in which languageyouwere about to pick.”

Cecelia’s stinky face only endeared Jane to her more.Aw, she looks like me at that age!But with long hair and a pleated skirt. Teenager Jane would have never been caught dead in anything that could blow upward in the wind. “You know what I mean.”

“Ooh, she’s attempting to learn new English vocabulary! Well, there isqueer.” She grabbed the back of the receptionist’s chair to stop Cecelia from spinning around. “You could also call me gay. That’s quite apt.” With her arms folded on top of the chair, Jane’s nose pointed downward, inciting Cecelia to simultaneously sink farther down and roll her eyes up to catch her aunt’s expression. “Lesbian rather rolls off the tongue, if you ask me. You’re getting a bit dicey with something likeles,though. Best let me claim that one. Oh! Do not say dyke. They get a bit ‘in their feels’ about that one around here. You have to be at least six feet tall and a size four to get that one.”


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