Page 12 of Menage a Passions

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“I’m not at liberty to say.”

“Ah, how unfair to you, dearest Becca.” Here she was, the theatrical Jane Wong who did a terrible job of weaving a story out of her girlfriend. “Torn between two poor married sods. Who truly owns your allegiance? The femininely beautiful Caitlyn, or the boyishly charming Jane? Because charming Jane would give anything to know what her wife the beautiful Caitlyn was up to.” Oh, there it was. Jane’s hand on Becca’s thigh. “Anything,” Jane sweetly sang in the darkness of the room.

“You’re getting nothing out of me. She said she’ll talk to you about it on her own.”

“I wasn’t going to make you tell me.” Jane rolled toward Becca, her arm propped up on her firm pillow. “But we could pretend I was.”


“You sound incredulous. What, don’t fancy a role-play where I’ve got you cornered in my sexy torture chamber? And I’m going to offer you the moon and the stars if you give up intel about our beloved Cait? Because we could. We couldabsolutelyhave a role-play that ends with you screaming in pleasure while you tell me absolutely nothing at all.”

Becca kept the covers firmly around her chest. “Just say you want to do it, Jane.”

“The last time I did, you turned me down. I have got to be more creative this time.”

The last thing I am is surprised.Out of the three of them, Jane had the highest libido, or at least was the one most likely to put on the moves on a whim. She was more of a giver than a taker, too, and if Rebecca was feeling a certain way on any given night, she could almost always count on Jane inviting her into bed.Now that we have to share a room, though…Becca had never understood Caitlyn’s marital complaints so well.

“The direct approach usually works on you, love.” Jane’s tone turned more sagely as she continued to lay the seduction on rather thick. “I suggest a quick shag, you take off your clothes before I finish talking…”

“I do not.”

“Maybe I should consider helping look for a new flat. Getting your room back could do wonders for my sex life.”

Becca pulled her phone off its charging pad on the nightstand.

“What are you up to?”

After furiously texting someone, she shoved her phone under the covers before Jane could see. “Nothing.”


Before she was put on the spot any further, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Since it was locked due to the recentaddition of a teenager to their household, Becca leaped out of bed and welcomed her cavalry.

“What’s this about a dirty old woman in your room?” Caitlyn asked. “Jane, have you invited some sex-obsessed specter to terrorize poor Becca?”

“Dirty oldwhat?”

Becca shut the door and stifled a giggle. “She’s been like this all week,” she said to Caitlyn. “What do we do about her?”

“Lin.” Caitlyn put her hands on her hips. In her summer pajamas, she was a sight to behold with that loose cotton shirt andshortshorts. Why, Becca could almost see Caitlyn’s ass in those things! “I thought I wore you out two weeks ago. Remember? At the office?”

“Oh, hell no, you guys are hooking up at the office?” Becca asked.

“Two weeks ago?” Jane, still in bed, scoffed. “Youarepulling my leg, right?”

“There’s a minor in this house now,” Caitlyn continued with her faux-scolding tone. “We can’t have you acting like a dirty old woman.”

“What does that even mean?” The Cantonese coming out of Jane’s mouth was barely comprehensible, but Becca had a feeling that Caitlyn would get the gist.

Sure enough, she approached the bed in the dark. “It means you’re a menace to the women you call yours in this house.”

“Oh, but you like it!”

“Shh!” Caitlyn held her finger to her mouth.

“Give me a break.” At least Becca understood that in Cantonese. “She is on the other side of the flat. Cannot hear a thing in here. Just like the neighbors cannot hear anything through these concrete walls.”

Caitlyn crawled onto the bed. Becca attempted to hide how giddy her plan coming to fruition made her.I didn’t think itwould be this good!When she texted Caitlyn that Jane was in here being “Jane” before bed, Caitlyn must have known exactly what that meant.Why not? They’ve been together longer than anyone’s known them.Usually, Becca existed as the third who balanced their dominant tendencies.They can’t get along without a pillow princess to share between them.That was Becca. She was the luckiest pillow princess in America.

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