Page 28 of Take My Hand

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When I was hard to the point of bursting my trousers open, I heard a clearing of a throat and a voice from inside the car yelled, “Ah, c’mon on guys, I just got my car washed and waxed.”

Maya and I both laughed, and even though it killed me to, I pulled my mouth away. Her lipstick was smudged, so I reached up with my thumb and rubbed at the side of her mouth. I grimaced.

“I think you may need to take a look yourself. I fear I might have made it worse.”

Maya shook her head and swiped a hand across her mouth, following the line of her lips with her finger, rubbing as she did.


“No, don’t be.” She ran a finger down my cheek. “It’s proof that I’ve been thoroughly kissed.”

“I’m sorry, miss, but we really need to get going,” the uber driver complained.

“Go,” I said, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “Before I jump in there with you and disappoint my daughter and make myself feel a whole load of guilt for the rest of my life.”

“Okay, damn it,” she said with a shake of her head. “Let me take your number.” She tapped at her phone and then looked at me expectantly.

“Lady, please just get in or I’m going to have to go without you.”

I leaned one hand on the car and looked inside toward the front. “Hey, big man, she’ll be one minute, okay. So, stop yelling at us.”

I didn’t wait to hear his response but straightened up and reeled off my number to Maya. As she entered the numbers, the car started up, and my need to kick out his rear lights was great.

“What’s yours?” I asked as Maya got into the car.

“I’ll message you.”

I had to be content with that because the driver started to pull away. “Don’t forget.”

“I won’t.”

I just managed to stand back to avoid being hit with the door as Maya pulled it shut and then waved at me through the window. As the car drove away from the pavement, she twisted in her seat and continued watching and waving from the window until she was just red lights way off in the distance.

Feeling deflated, I looked at my phone. I tried to tell myself it was to check the time but really it was to see if I’d had a message from Maya. There wasn’t one, but I had ten minutes to get to the bus, so feeling annoyed, I set off at a jog with half of me hoping that I missed it.

Maya’s Diary Entry

I did something stupid tonight! I met a guy and dumped Morgan and Loretta for him. I’d only been talking to him for five minutes when I told them I would see them later—only I never did. I stayed with him all night. Well, not all night. He put me in an Uber about an hour ago and sent me home alone. I asked him to come with me, but he couldn’t, and I’m quite glad because it’s too soon. He’s so gorgeous, though. Beautiful brown eyes and a beautiful smile.

I’ve got to admit he was hot and made me want to jump him! His name is Will, he’s 37, and he’s got a 17-year-old daughter. Her mum isn’t around as she died when his daughter was only a few months old, but he says they weren’t together at the time.

I can’t stop wishing he’d come home with me, but I know that would be stupid. I’m pretty sure he’s not a mass murderer or anything like that, but who knows. Bloody hell, he’s sexy. I can just imagine what his body is like under his clothes. He was on a stag night and wearing a T-shirt that said ‘Wet Willy’ on the front, which was hilarious. Once his group of friends left him with me, he took it off. He wasn’t happy about wearing it, but I thought it was funny. I was instantly drawn to him—hisslow, easy smile, the dimple in his cheek. Everything about him was gorgeous. Handsome, but not in a classic way. Rugged. He was wearing suit trousers with shoes, but I got the idea that he would look incredible in jeans and boots, too. He had a cool, casual way about him, but there was a hint of nervousness in his confidence when he talked to me. If he hadn’t had that, I’m sure I’d have done anything to get his attention. He was that hot.

I told him I’d message him, and I want to do it now, but I know Morgan and Loretta would kill me. It’s hard not to, though. My stomach is full of butterflies. I need to act my age and force myself to wait, not act like an impatient teenager. I hate playing games, though—I’ve had enough guys do that to me. Still, an hour after saying goodbye might be a bit too soon!

I should get to bed. Loretta has persuaded me to do a car boot in the morning. All I want to do is watch tonight’s telly I’ve recorded and eat junk, but she won’t take no for an answer.

I hope he does like me and is happy when I finally call him!

Chapter Eleven


Ithrew my backpack down on to the kitchen table and guessed from the stillness in the house that Dad was still sleeping. I’d left Em’s house before anyone else had woken, because I couldn’t see the point of lying there with the various noises my friends were making, especially not when I had a breakfast date with my dad.

I opened the blinds at the window, letting in the pale light of the January morning, and sighed. Hopefully, in a month’s time, the weather would be getting warmer with Dad getting busy at the bar as people started to venture out more. Not that he wasn’t ever busy. During the winter, he was rammed most days. Dad always said that there were some people he only ever saw during those months when they were using his bar to keep warm and saving on their heating bills.

The garden outside was looking drab, not that we ever did much with it. We had a cherry tree, Grandma Powell’s favourite, but I had no clue how we managed to keep it alive every year. Our skills at gardening totalled us being able to cut grass. Iusually cut the front and Dad the back, mainly because if he cut the front, all the women in the neighbourhood came out to ogle him, especially when it was hot, and he took his shirt off.

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