Page 173 of Take My Hand

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“Jack Grayson said she went through the gate after yelling at Marcus to fuck off.”

“Christ,” I groaned. “What the hell is wrong with her?” I finally sat down. “Do you think we should go after her?” I asked half-heartedly.

“No,” Zak said sternly. “She’ll be fine, besides she’s been horrible to all of us tonight.”

“He’s right,” Liam said. “Let her cool down and then speak to her tomorrow.”

They were both right. She had been awful, and she did need to cool down, so I wasn’t going to let her spoil my night any further.

Chapter Sixty-Two


There were times in my life when I’d wished that Maddy and I could pack up everything we own and move to somewhere hot and foreign. This was one of those times, except that wish now included taking Maya along, too. I suppose Maddy would insist on taking Zak, as well.

Although, she was walking around like a bear with a sore head, which I was sure wasn’t all down to a hangover from the party she’d been to last night. I had noticed that she’d kept looking at her phone then huffing and throwing it to one side. When I asked her what was bothering her she told me nothing and stormed off to her room.

Once she was in a better mood maybe I’d broach the subject, but in the meantime she could stay up there and sulk. I had other stuff that I needed to think about, like my kidney and whether to donate it to someone I didn’t know.

“Why don’t you call him?” Maya cupped her hands around her coffee mug and snuggled down into her dressing gown. “I’msure you’ll be able to find his number. Didn’t you say he works for the franchise that bought Steven out?”

“Yeah, he does.”

“So, it’ll be easy to get his number.” She gave me a gentle smile, which made me think everything would work out okay, whatever my decision. Because, I had to be honest, that was how she affected me. It was if as soon as we met, she’d put a spell on me, one that demanded that I forgot about my life before her, and that I saw only her as my anchor.

“It will, you’re right.” I blew out a cleansing breath, determined that I would contact my brother and speak to him directly before I made any other decision. “I’ll call him after the weekend.” Maya’s brow rose. “Not because I’m putting it off, but because I want to dedicate time to you and Maddy this weekend, and as soon as I speak to Cameron I have a feeling the shit will hit the fan.”

Maya nodded. “Okay. Good plan.”

“Right,” I said, clapping my hands together. “Do you feel up to going out for lunch. Food might just drag Maddy from her bedroom.”

“Yes, sounds good. Maybe not too far, though.”

“There’s a great café in town that do loads of different things. Then we can come back, you can have a little nap, and then this evening I thought maybe I’d ask Maddy to get Zak round and we could play cards.”

Maya’s eyes lit up. “I am so good at Poker.”

Chuckling I kissed her cheek. “I was thinking more like Hearts or Rummy.”

She shrugged. “I’ll still beat you.”

“I’ll go up and speak to Miss Grumpy.” As I started for the door my phone began to ring in my pocket. “Shit, that better not be Steven again.”

“Just send it to voicemail.”

About to do as Maya suggested, I was surprised to see it was Mike, Ana’s dad, calling me.

“Hey, Mike,” I answered, frowning.

I hadn’t spoken to him in ages, not even before he’d left Susan. We weren’t exactly mates but exchanged the odd text or call about the girls. Instantly, I wondered if he’d heard about what Ana had done to Maddy and Emma.

“Will.” His voice sounded hollow and distant, like he was distracted, or I was the last person he wanted to speak to.

“Is this about Ana?”

He drew in a shaky breath. “Y-yeah, how did you know?”

“Well, Maddy told me. I mean it wasn’t like she could hide it from me, Zak had to hold her up and?—”

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