Page 163 of Take My Hand

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“Clearly not.” Liv flicked her hair over her shoulder. “I told her about the party and all about Teddy and she told me I was stupid because he’d clearly be, and I quote, ‘Fingering someone else by tomorrow.’ Not that I let him do that to me.”

“Take no notice of her.” I patted her arm. “He didn’t seem like that at all. Didn’t you say he’s already texted you?”

“Yes, but she’s probably right. It’s not like I’m going to see him again, is it?”

“You might.” Emma didn’t sound convincing.

Liv shook her head. “No, he’ll probably go to Oxford or somewhere else just as posh. He’s not going to slum it in Manchester. Did you know his dad is a barrister?”

“And?” Emma shrugged. “Zak’s dad is a surgeon, and Zak still gets in Maddy’s pants regularly.”

I nudged her in the stomach. “Oi.”

“But he does.”

“I object to your insinuation that he shouldn’t just because his dad is a surgeon. I’m just as good as him.”

“I know, that was the point I was making to Liv. She shouldn’t think she’s not good enough for Teddy just because of his dad’s profession.”

“Oh bloody hell,” Liv groaned. “Here’s Little Miss Sunshine now.”

We all looked over to see Ana walking towards us. Her mouth was turned down into a grimace, and she was practically dragging her bag on the floor.

“Brace yourselves,” I muttered. “She doesn’t look happy at all.”

A few seconds later, it was confirmed that Ana was definitely in a bad mood. “Are you all still talking about that shitty party you went to?” Her face twisted into a scowl and the atmosphere at our table shifted instantly.

“It wasn’t shitty. If you’d come with us you, might have enjoyed yourself,” I replied, trying to keep my voice calm despite the building tension.

She gave me a disdainful look, like I’d suggested she should have climbed Everest or something. “We can’t all swan off and have a fun little weekend, can we?”

I glanced questioningly at Emma and then Liv. “I thought your mum and dad had sorted things out.” I put a hand on her forearm. She’d pissed me off, but she was still my best friend. “Is it still all going on? Your mum isn’t drinking again, is she?”

Ana’s expression was hard, not the happy, cheeky smile I’d always been used to over the years. I hadn’t seen that look for a long time. It’s disappearance had been sudden, and she didn’t seem to be in any rush to bring it back.

Frowning, she pulled her arm away from me. “No, she isn’t.”

“So, what’s wrong?” I asked, biting back a sigh of frustration. “Tell us and maybe we can help you.”

“Everything is fine. And for your information I don’t need yours or anyone else’s help.”

Emma raised an eyebrow, and Liv cleared her throat. We all knew that she was far from fine. The respite from her bad moods had been very brief. It seemed like her mum drinking wasn’t the main issue. Her parents splitting up was awful, and it must have been hurting her more than I could imagine, but we were herfriends, and I couldn’t understand why she didn’t want our help. Why she didn’t feel like she could be open about how she was feeling.

“Ana, why don’t y?—”

“No, Maddy, I don’t want to talk about it. You did your good deed sorting the house out, I don’t need any of you sticking your noses in.”

She looked at each of us and with a shake of her head, stormed away.

“What the hell is her problem?” Liv took the lid off her salad box and peered inside. “She should count herself lucky that she had her mum and dad together for so long, poor Emma here doesn’t even know who her dad is, and your mum died before you were even on solids.”


“She does have a point,” Emma added, flicking her food around on her plate like she was looking for something.

“I know, but…” I had no idea what the but was. Liv was right, at least Ana still had both her parents.

“Maybe we should organise a night out or something?” Em suggested.

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