Page 159 of Take My Hand

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I thumbed over my shoulder. “She’s awake, but I’m just about to get her painkillers. Go in and see her.”

Without any hesitation, Maddy skipped past me and into the lounge. I paused for a few seconds, listening and felt my heart warm when I heard Maddy ask if she could give Maya a hug. The way they’d taken to each other so quickly was just perfect; I could have so easily have got it wrong by introducing them so soon. I guessed that now the L word had been used it was official that we were serious about each other, and it was more important than ever that Maddy and Maya liked each other.

When I went back into the lounge a few minutes later, with a glass of water and Maya’s pills, Maya was telling Maddy what happened. I’d only heard bits and pieces, not wanting to put her through reliving it, but she sounded okay as she spoke.

“I saw him in my rearview mirror, getting closer, and was I yelling at him to just overtake me, but I think he was coming off at the next junction because I vaguely remember his indicator going.” She sighed. “I didn’t want to move lanes because it was quite misty and raining.”

“I don’t blame you,” Maddy replied. “And what happened? He just went into the back of you?”

“I braked, because the lorry in front of me did, but dickhead behind didn’t. He went into the back of me and shunted me forward, so I just about managed to steer away from the lorry. I braced on the steering wheel, but when I hit the bank, I lurched forward, and my wrist was caught at a funny angle when the airbag went off.”

Having heard enough, I stepped out of the shadow of the door and went to stand next to the sofa, trying to quell my anger.

“I hope the police do him for dangerous driving,” I grumbled, handing Maya her water and pills.

“Jack says that the police said he doesn’t have insurance.” She smiled up at me and popped the pills in her mouth. “He’ll get into real trouble for that.”

“Good,” Maddy snapped. “What a dick. It’s intimidation as well as shit driving.”

Maya smiled, but I could see that it was laced with pain. “I think maybe you should go up to bed, gorgeous.”

“God, Dad, you’re so mushy, it’s icky,” Maddy groaned.

“Whatever, Madeline, but I don’t care.” Grinning at Maddy, I crouched down beside Maya and rubbed her thigh over the duvet. “You look shattered.”

She nodded as she swallowed the pills with a sip of water. “Yeah, I think I will.”

“Get in my bed, and I’ll get in the spare one to give you some space for your wrist.” When she frowned, I smiled. I didn’t want to sleep in a different bed either, but I still thought she’d have a better night without me. “Just for tonight, at least.”

“Yeah, okay.” She threw back the duvet and swung her legs off the sofa. She was wearing cute pink and white striped shortie pyjamas, and even with a cast on her arm and bruises on her face and shins, she looked incredible. “Night, Maddy, and I’m glad you had a good time in London. And don’t worry about that mean ex-girlfriend.”

“I won’t, don’t worry.”

I made a mental note to ask about that once I’d settled Maya in bed. Even so, her feeling happy to tell Maya was another reason to feel like life was good.

Ten minutes later, with Maya already asleep, I went back into the lounge to find Maddy frantically texting.

“How the hell do your thumbs go so fast?” I asked her, flopping down next to her.

“Practice, Daddy. That’s all it takes.”

“Who you texting anyway. Surely not Zak, you’ve been with him all weekend.”

“Nope. Ana.”

I rolled my eyes, still not sure why she would want to be friends with her after what she did. Over reaction on my part? Maybe.

Expressive eyes looked up at me. “She bailed on us at the weekend.”

“You never said when we spoke over the weekend. You just said you were having a great time.”

“We were.” She shrugged. “I didn’t think to tell you.” Biting on her lip, Maddy pulled her feet up and sat crossed-legged, facing me. “She just didn’t turn up, Dad. We waited as long as we could at the station, and me, Em and Liv all called her loads of time, but she didn’t answer any of them.”

“It’s her own fault that she missed out, sweetheart. There wasn’t much else you could do about it.” Her eyes were full of worry, and I wished that she had a few more years’ experience. Then she’d realise that none of it was her fault. “Take my hand.”

She gave me a withering look but took it, anyway, smiling when I wrapped my other around it.

“Ana is a troubled girl at the moment. You’ve tried to help her with her mum, suggesting she go away for the weekend with you. You didn’t even really kick off when she got you pissed.”

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