Page 129 of Take My Hand

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I turned to look at her and felt another wave of nausea. Luckily, I was able to make it to the back door. It was a close call, but I got it open just in time before more vomit came up and splashed over the step leading down to the patio.

“You okay,” Zak asked, rubbing my back.

“I’m so sorry,” I sobbed. “I’m such a crap girlfriend.”

He chuckled and pulled my hair over my shoulder. “No, you’re not. You just have a shitty friend.”

“I was here long before you, dick head,” Ana yelled at him. “She’s my friend and has been my friend since we were little. You’ve just come along with your nice teeth and your hot body and think you own her.”

“Ana,” I groaned, but said nothing else because another wave of vomit reared up.

“I don’t think I own her, Ana,” Zak retorted in a measured tone. “I care about her, and I certainly wouldn’t spike her cider with vodka. That’s stupid and dangerous.”

“That’s stupid and dangerous,” she mimicked.

“Ana just shut the fuck up,” Liam roared. “You’re an absolute?—”

“Liam, leave it mate,” Zak butted in. “Let’s get them home.”

“I’ll ring my dad,” I said, in between spitting out bits of vomit.

“It’s okay. I didn’t drink.”

“Your top.” I pointed an unsteady finger at him.

Moving me towards the fridge, he propped me against it. “Ana, make sure she doesn’t fall over,” he ordered her. “I’m just going to take my shirt off.”

I giggled. “Ooh naked chest.”

Zak rolled his eyes and smirked. “I have a t-shirt underneath. It might not be too bad.”

“There are carrier bags in that drawer,” Holly said, “but who is going to clean it up off the floor? Because I’m not.”

Ana sighed heavily. “I will. I’ll get my mum to come and get me.”

“I’ll give you a lift,” Zak said from over by the door. “I brought you, so I’ll take you home.”

“No, it’s fine,” she snapped, pressing a hand against my shoulder to keep me upright. “Mum will come.”

“I’d rather not leave you.” Zak appeared back in front of me, his eyes full of concern. “I’ll help you clean up.”

“I wouldn’t,” Liam offered. “I’d make her do it.”

“Well, you’re a prick,” Ana replied, leaving me and pushing past Zak. “Where’s your cleaning stuff, Holly?”

Leaning forward, I dropped my hands to my knees to steady myself and blew out a breath. “Can we go home, Zak?”

“Yeah, babe. Just let me sort my shirt out. You ready, Liam?”

“Yeah. I think she’s more or less done.” He leaned over the sink. “You finished, Em?”

“Hmm. My mum is going to kill me.”

“You can stay at mine,” I told her. “She thinks you are anyway.”

“Your dad is going to kill me,” Zak muttered as he came back, a plastic bag swinging at his side.

“No, he won’t.” I reached a hand out to him, and he took it, kissing the back of it. “I promise.”

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