Page 109 of Take My Hand

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Then, as we both turned to look at her, she puked all over the carpet.

Zak’s WhatsApp Messages


Hey mate. There’s been a change of plan. Thanks for the offer but I won’t need to stay at yours. Mum and Dad want to make a bit of a road trip of it so we’re going direct to York after visiting Manchester. I tried to persuade them, but they think it’ll be good ‘family time’.


Don’t worry about it Deac. We can catch up some other time. Would have been great to see you, though.


Why don’t you come here for Nick’s 18th on the 6th. He’s having a big party. Bring your new gf. You can both stay here.


Yeah? Might be a plan. Let me speak to her and see if she can make it. Think maybe he’d mind if we brought a couple of mates?


Doubt it. You know how big his house is. His parents are throwing money at the party and he’ll prob have no idea who is there. Let me know but would be good to see you and meet Maggy.




Shit! Sorry mate. How’s it going anyway? Still in lurrrvvve!!!!


… (Zak is typing)


… (Zak is typing)


It’s going good. She’s pretty special but I’m saying nothing else cos you’ll just take the piss out of me if I do. Hopefully see you soon.


Hey gorgeous, think you’d be allowed to go to London with me next month? My mate is having an 18th birthday party. Thought we could ask the others if they want to come too. Or at least Liam and Emma. Have you spoken to Ana since we took her home btw?


I don’t see why not. I’d have to ask Dad and he’s at the bar atm. Sounds good though. I called her but she didn’t answer. She texted me back to say she was going to bed. You’d think sleeping all day would have been enough. I am worried about her. Don’t know why she wouldn’t speak to us about why she was drunk.


She will when she’s ready. Just be there for her. Funny she wouldn’t let you go in with her, though.


I know. She’s my best friend Zak. We tell each other everything usually.

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