Page 33 of The Final Beat

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As we stared each other down, the doorbell rang, and we all turned our heads towards it.

“I reckon that’s the coppers,” Beau said. “Ronnie must have buzzed the gate.” As he took long, relaxed steps towards the door, Elliot followed him, leaving me with Destiny.

Once again my mouth opened before my brain engaged itself. “Grab a bag and come to mine,” I whispered, my eyes pinned on my bandmates opening the front door.

“What?” she hissed.

“I said,” I leaned a little closer, “get a bag and come to mine. You’re not staying at Laura’s. You’re staying at mine.” When I looked at her, her brow had two deep, vertical lines of consternation. “Don’t argue with me, Daisy.” My voice went lower and more determined. “Do not fucking argue with me. Grab some clothes and get yourself over to my apartment.”

She opened her mouth but must have seen something steely in my eyes because she closed it and gave me a single nod. As she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at me like she hated me, I felt my dick twitch, and I wondered how many orgasms I could give her in a couple of days.



As I slammed my car door, I wondered what the hell I was doing there. Why the hell had I agreed to stay with him?

“Hah,” I scoffed as I walked towards the lift from the underground car park. “As if I agreed. I had no damn choice.”

I put in the key card that Joey had given to me a while back and stabbed at the button, huffing as I waited. I was annoyed, and I was annoyed because Ididhave a choice. I knew, deep down, that I did. I could have argued. I could have taken my suitcase to Laura’s house, ignored Joey’s demands, but I hadn’t.

In the ride up to the apartment my finger hovered over the button to take me back down. As the doors slid open to Joey’s hallway, I hesitated.

“What the fuck are you doing, Destiny?” I shook my head. “And why the hell are you talking to yourself?”

Storming over to Joey’s door, I rang the doorbell. Any hope I had that he might not be home or had changed his mind were unfounded because the door was quickly swung open. The sight of him was an absolute pleasure. His white t-shirt was tight across his body and his biceps bulged as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. I tried not to look down towards his crotch but couldn’t help myself. Dark blue jeans did nothing to disguisethe bulge behind them. He had a very nice dick. Very pretty, even if it was tattooed. The thought of his snake made me smile. Only Joey would have the confidence to have something like that inked on his appendage.

“You came.” He had a smirk on his face that said he knew that I would.

“You didn’t give me much choice, did you?”

Joey raised an eyebrow. “Like you ever do anything that you don’t want to do.” He stood to one side to let me in. “Welcome home.”

“I fucking hate you, you know that.” I sidled past him, dragging my suitcase behind me. “Which is my room?”

Joey laughed and even as I said it I realised it was ridiculous, but I wasn’t going to make it easy for him.

“It’s next to mine, and you know where that one is.”


I stormed through the apartment, running the wheels of my case over some papers on the floor, determined to spend the next couple of days in silence. He could try all he liked to get me into his bed, but it wouldn’t be happening.

“I sleep on the right side,” Joey called through the apartment. “So, put your stuff in the drawers on the left.”

“Fuck off,” I yelled back and headed for the spare room. As I passed Joey’s room, I glanced inside and memories of a night I’d spent in that huge, comfy bed flashed through my head. It had been about a year ago when I’d had to take him some forms to be signed for the tour. He knew that I was going and made sure that he was dressed appropriately in a tight vest and grey sweats, without fucking undies. I’d only been there about twenty minutes when I was having my first orgasm of the night. Another three followed throughout the night in varying positions.

The spare bedroom was a little less masculine than Joey’s, with a grey and silver wallpaper on the wall and darker greyand black bedding. The cotton looked soft and expensive and if the mattress was anything like Joey’s, it would be as comfy as a cloud.

I’d taken enough clothes for a couple of days. They would see me through the weekend and Monday, but I’d need to go home before we left for the tour. I threw my case onto the bed and unzipped it. There were my usual shorts and t-shirts along with a couple of pairs of jeans and a pair of sweats with a matching hoodie.

“Want me to make room in my wardrobe?’ Joey asked.

I turned to see him leaning against the doorway. His arms were still folded and were extremely distracting.

“No.” I went back to unpacking my case, taking out my cosmetics and wash bags. “Are you feeding me?”

“What would you like me to feed you?” He chuckled. “Sausage?”

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