Page 24 of The Final Beat

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I nodded. “Yep, that would really fuck with your head.” He stared at me, and from the depths of the brown pools came a cry for help. They screamed at me to reach out and offer him a lifeline. To become his buoy in the middle of the storm of pain battering his heart. Without thinking I moved across to the seat next to him and grabbed his hand. “How about you?” I asked. “How do you feel now? Any better?”

His exhale was long, tortured, and laboured. “I feel like I hate him even more, but at the same time my heart is broken that he’s dying.” The brown pools were shimmering with tears that I hadn’t ever seen before. Not even at his lowest or when Cassie and Bobby died had I seen him cry. I mean, I’m guessing he did, but they all held it together for Beau’s sake at the funeral. They’d had no choice really since he was a broken, drunken wreck.

“Oh, Joey.” I sighed and pulled him into my arms, letting him rest his head on my shoulder. “It must be awful. Not knowing how you should feel.”

His bottom lip quivered and shrugged. “I don’t know what to think, Daisy. I don’t know how I’m supposed to act, what I’m supposed to say. I want to hate him. I know that Ishouldhate him, but he’s my dad, my flesh and blood.”

“I know, love.” I lifted his chin with my finger and thumb and looked directly into his eyes. “And no one would ever question you having those feelings. It’s natural.”

“Is it?” he asked, his Adam’s apple bobbing on a swallow. “Or is it just something else for me to beat myself up about?”

“Honestly it is normal,” I stated, knowingly. I’d gone through the same thing. I hated the man who’d beaten me for fun, yet when he died I sobbed until I could barely breathe. Pushing the darkness from my mind, I drew Joey to me, feeling the steady thud of his heartbeat. “You have nothing to beat yourself up about. The only person who should have regrets is Aldo. He missed out on you because of his own selfishness.”

Joey’s tongue flicked out and licked his bottom lip before he caught it between his teeth. His eyes, which seconds before had been full of sadness, were suddenly hot with desire. Grief and passion skirted close to each other as Joey watched me, waiting for me to help him to see sense of everything. Watching to see if I would make the first move. Pushing the arm of his seat up, I moved over to straddle him, taking his face in my hands.

“Whatever you need, just take,” I whispered before dropping a gentle kiss at the corner of his mouth. I wasn’t soft, ever, and my heart sped up at the idea that I’d even wanted to or knew how to be tender with him.

Joey glanced over his shoulder to where Marco was preparing a couple of drinks. “Not here.”

“You’re not shy, are you?”

His eyes darkened as the emotion in them turned to want. “Now you know that’s not true.”

I let out a shaky, needy breath, knowing he was right. Sex in a dark corner of a club and outside a venue when thousands of people were queuing just around the corner proved that.

“Marco is five minutes away from bringing over those drinks,” he whispered in my ear, as his fingers gripped my arse. “And when he does, I don’t want to be buried deep inside of you.” His nose skimmed the apple of my cheek, his breath ghosting against my skin. “I don’t want him seeing you come apart as I fuck you. He’s not seeing you push your hips hard because you’re desperate for more of me. Or watch as Idrillinto you like I can’t get close enough.”

Every single word was said with promise and more than a hint of filth, and I was fucking soaked. That was the thing about Joey, not only was he good in bed but his mouth was talented too. Not just what he could do with his tongue, but the words he used. They weren’t poetic or romantic, they were sexy and dirty.

“There’s no way I’m going to let Marco see how fucking wet my cock is from you. He’s not going to see your juices glistening on your pussy and he’s not going to hear those damn moans you make when my cock hits the spot that makes you come.”

My nipples were like bullets and my knickers uncomfortably wet. If he didn’t get inside me soon I would scream. I couldn’t tell him that, though, because my mind had gone. I was soturned on I couldn’t form words or move. Joey’s dick was the only thing that I could think of.

“Because of all that,” he said, skimming a thumb over my nipple, “I’m going to take you into the bedroom at the back and I’m going to fuck you.” The last two words were laced with promise, and I felt more of my desire release.

As Joey stood, his hands gripped my arse tighter, pulling me against the rigidity behind his jeans. He was rock hard, and it made my mouth water at the prospect of what was to come. Striding towards the back, Joey didn’t stop as he called over his shoulder.

“Marco, hold the drinks. We’re taking a nap.”

I couldn’t help but snort out a laugh. “Like he believes that.”

Joey raised an eyebrow and then took my lip between his teeth and pulled on it. “I don’t give a shit.”

As soon as we were inside the small bedroom, he kicked the door shut and, in two short steps, dropped me onto the bed. I bounced and drew in a breath as Joey ripped his jacket off and pulled his t-shirt over his head, almost in one movement.

“Get your clothes off,” he demanded with his eyes narrowed on me. “Then open your legs because if I don’t get inside you soon I’ll rip this place apart.”

I didn’t want to find out whether that was true or not, so I went to the button of my shorts and started to undress. Used to quick, hard sex with him, it wasn’t long before I was naked and when I looked up I was mesmerised by the tall, broad drummer pumping his dick with a tattooed hand. Glancing at the clouds through the window, I wondered how good the sound proofing was. The predatory way in which Joey put a knee on the bed and crawled towards me told me I was going to be loud.

“I think Marco might know what we’re doing in here,” I hissed as Joey bit the inside of my thigh. “I’m going to come hard.”


He sucked on the spot he’d just bitten and the soothing against the sting was ecstasy. My fingers grabbed his hair and pulled his head up my body, letting him create a trail with his tongue. When his mouth met mine I groaned against it and pushed my heels together, dropping my knees to the bed, giving room for all his body. Slamming his fisted hands into the mattress either side of my head, sinewy arms straightened out as he looked down at me. There was no hint of the sadness he’d been feeling minutes before, just unadulterated passion. I was happy I could give him some moments of release from shit he’d been dealt by his parents. That was where my responsibility ended. I was just a conduit, nothing more. I couldn’t be anything else. I couldn’t get lost in him. My life needed stability, not to be set off kilter by a hot drummer.

The initial thrust inside of me stung, despite how soaked I was, and shoved me further up the bed. It made me gasp which brought a wicked smile to Joey’s full lips.

“Feel that?” he asked, dropping his mouth to my ear. “Feel how my big cock pushed inside you?”

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