Page 15 of The Final Beat

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She gave me a smile that was more fucking evil than anything else. “Sorry, I forgot you don’t have anyone to write a song about. I’m sure you won’t mind the rest of the guys singing about their girlfriends.” She turned back to Ali. “We could flash pics of thegirls up behind them.” Then she looked at me. “Sorry again that you don’t have anyone.”

I shook my head, trying hard to look indifferent. “No problem to me.”

Beau coughed and shifted in his seat, like his arse was suddenly in pain.

“What?” Destiny snapped.

“I, well, I kind of hate that idea. It’s too cheesy.” When Destiny drew in a breath, he quickly added. “Just the pictures part. The other is okay.”

“Chicken,” I coughed into my hand, earning me a glare from him.

“I have to agree with Beau, about the images of the girls,” Elliot added, wheeling his chair closer to Ali, like she was going to protect him from big, bad, Destiny. “And I know Belle would hate it.”

“Yeah, we’re a rock band, not some fucking middle of the road schmaltz group,” I muttered earning a glare from Destiny.

“Whatever you decide.” She pulled a packet of cigarettes from her pocket. “I still think the song set up would work.”

“Absolutely.” Elliot.

“Yeah.” Beau.

“Can I go first?” Ronnie.

Silence from me.

“Okay,” Ali said. “That’s decided. I’ll email everything but just to confirm the main points. Just one truck for the set.” She looked at Destiny, who nodded. “And we’ll keep the lighting plan from the last tour, minus the lasers as some of the venues are too small. Destiny will get Ryan and the tech guys to put together a montage of photographs over the last six years for a new backdrop. And,” she smiled at me, “we’ll put Joey’s kit front stage right. Laura will organise hotels and cars as usual—if you can all let me know which dates the girls are coming so thatLaura can book accordingly. Destiny will contact Terry about organising the bus and getting it cleaned. Terry can drive it over to Dublin, but we’ll all travel by plane in the first instance.” As everyone muttered their agreement, Ali smiled and slammed the lid down on her laptop. “That’s it everyone, end of meeting.”

Destiny banged her palm down on the desk. “Excellent. Right, I’m off. I’ve got a man with a big bank balance and matching penis to meet.”

Christ she was a bitch.

“Good meeting.” She smiled at me. “And glad you like your new position on stageJoseppi.”

And I fucking hated her.



Opening my laptop, I would already be glad when the day was over. I loved my job but there were days when I hated planning a new tour. The next one wasn’t difficult, seeing as it was just a small offshoot of the last big one. I’d only needed to pare down what they’d had, so it hadn’t been a hard job.

The day before had been long, though, because every single decision that I made had me thinking of Joey. Everything that I’d asked Laura and Ryan to organise, put images of him in my head. I’d never been hung up on him like that before when we’d had sex, so I had no idea why he was currently occupying the space in my brain.

Actually, that was a lie. The sex was as great as it had always been, but I’d never seen him so vulnerable before. Not even during his drug taking. In fact, he’d been in perfect control then, weird as it sounded. He wanted drugs, he took them and felt stronger when he did. His performances were always great, amazing in fact. He helped to make decisions and his confidence was high. When he visited my house, though, he looked broken. Like you’d expect him to look when he was on drugs. I was confident that he wasn’t using, though. As he fucked me, I’dlooked into his eyes, and they were clear. His mind was clear bar thoughts of his dad.

“Fuck you fucker,” I muttered to myself as I wheeled my chair away from my desk. I didn’t need to be thinking abouthim. The problem was, even though I’d told myself that, I was still thinking about him. Specifically, his mouth on my fanny, his fingers inside of me, his big body covering mine as he pumped inside of me.

“Twat.” I reached for my phone and snatched it up. “You absolute piece of shit. I fucking hate you. You make me want to puke.” I tapped on my contacts and found Joey’s number. “You and your pissing big dick.” I hit the call button. “Thinking you’re so good.” It went straight to voicemail. “Twat.”

I ended the call and decided to send a text message instead. If I left a voice message there would be no disguising the worry that I was feeling, and I didn’t want him to know. What would be the point? It wasn’t like we had something special. It was just fucking. Sighing, I sent the text and hated that I already felt the anticipation of him messaging back.


What’s happening with your dad? Have you grown a pair of balls and contacted him?

When no message came back immediately, I felt irritated. Did he not know that I was a busy woman and needed to start thinking about organising my personal life for my next month away. I had washing to do and a case to pack. There was no time to spend worrying about that fucking idiot.

When my phone buzzed with a message, my heart started thumping in my chest. I tried to tell myself I hadn’t been expecting it and it had made me jump, but I was lying.

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