Page 4 of The First Chord

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I smiled, because that’s what Ronnie did, he made me smile, but also, he was right. I really did need to do better.



As I strolled along the Rua Augusta, life should have felt free and easy. It didn’t though, because there was something in the recesses of my mind that was nagging at me. Stabbing at my subconscious and landing in the pit of my stomach.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Amber and how it would have been nice to spend the day wandering around with her, instead of Joey and Dennis our minder. We had the usual shades and baseball cap disguises on and were going pretty much under the radar, but it didn’t hurt to have a bit of muscle around. I mean, Joey and I could charm our way out of anything, but if things got a bit nasty I didn’t want to rely on him. He treated those arms of his like they were valuable artefacts that should only be touched when wearing gloves. I got that they were his livelihood, but he was a real baby about them. We weren’t even allowed to poke them, the big pussy.

“Fancy a coffee?” Joey asked. He nodded towards one of the bars, whose tables were lined up on the cobblestones of the street. Large cream parasols shaded them and with the sun beating down so hard and hot, it felt like a bloody good idea. I could do with a cold beer, and who didn’t love a bit of people watching?

“I’m starving as well.”

Joey rolled his eyes. He’d been Mr Fitness Guru since he’d got clean and as we’d already had lunch, he probably didn’t understand why I would possibly want to eat.

“You don’t have to eat anything,” I said, leading the way to the bar. “You can sip on your water and suck your lemon while you watch me eat.”

I picked an end table, a row in, and pulled out a chair. Joey moved behind me and flicked my ear.

“I do eat, you know.” Joey made some sort of old man harumphing noise as he flopped down into his own chair, leaving a space between us for Dennis. “Take a seat, Den.”

“I can wait over there.”

“Dennis, fuck off,” I hissed. “As if we’d sit drinking and eating and leave you out in the boiling hot sun. Sit down.”

With a shrug he did as he was told but moved his chair so that it was square on with the street. Once he was settled I picked up the laminated menu and looked it over. They were all pretty big meals, which I didn’t really need, but I was sure I’d manage it one way or another.

“I’m going to have the Hake.” I looked up. “Want anything, Den?”

“Just a sparkling water please, Ronnie.”

“Christ, he’s a boring as you,” I aimed at Joey.

“And Den and I will still look in shape in five years’ time while you’re struggling to walk a flight of stairs without needing an inhaler or a pair of spanks.”

“The fact that you actually know what spanks are and what they’re for is bloody weird.”

Joey laughed. “You’re weird as well, then.”

“Simone told me about them. She wears them at certain times of the month when she’s feeling bloated,” I replied.

Joey looked at Dennis who raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“I don’t know what you two find so funny.” I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest. “There are days when I just need a cup of tea, a biscuit and a chat with the girls to help me chill out.”

“Fuck me,” Joey groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face. “The aliens came and replaced you with a flipping member of the Loose Women panel.”

“I can tell you which the best tampons are as well if you like, you know for the next time you’ve got your period.” When I winked, Joey flicked me the finger and then flashed a smile at the waitress as she approached our table.

“Two sparkling waters, and a beer please.” He reeled off our order, his attention on her the whole time as she scribbled it down on her pad.

“Any food?” she asked, barely giving us a glance.

I was about to open my mouth when Joey said, “Nope. No food, thanks.” He narrowed his eyes on me. “You had lunch about an hour ago. You don’t need anything else.”

Dennis sniggered and so I kicked his foot, throwing him a frown to go with it. “Can you bring some bread and olives as well please?”

“You’re such a child,” Joey muttered, pulling his cap further down.

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