Page 23 of The Banker's Bride

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“Brandy.” He held out the glass to her and smirked. “Want some?”

She shook her head and turned her attention back to her sandwich as flashes of him breaking through their bedroom door came to mind.

“Would you mind if I dined with you?” Dallas asked, waiting.

She started to get up from her seat. “I’ll fix ye a sandwich.”

He placed a hand gently on her arm, stopping her, and set his glass down on the table. “No, I’ll get it.”

He started toward the kitchen when Megan called after him. “The roast beef is on the counter!”

“I see it,” he yelled back. A moment later, he came back in with a sandwich and a glass of lemonade. Pushing the brandy tothe side, he sat across from her and took a bite, as if nothing had happened between them earlier. “Umm… this is delicious.”

Megan nodded and then took another bite of her sandwich. “Look. I’m sorry for overreacting. But just to let you know, you can ask me to do something, but never order me to.”

He nodded as one corner of his lips curled into a smile. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He took another bite of his sandwich. “So, what do you think of the house?”

She set down her lemonade. “It’s lovely. And the main hall is so huge! What is that room exactly?”

Dallas smiled, obviously pleased by her reaction. “It’s the living room, but I only use it when company arrives and for parties.” His eyes twinkled. “Speaking of which, I plan to throw a party before the weather gets too bad.”

“A party?” Megan asked in disbelief. “Dallas, you’re spending too much money. We should save some—”

“I know, for a rainy day.” He reached over and took her hand. “Megan, I have money and you’re going to have to get used to it.”

“Yes, you have money….” She rose from the table. “But ye don’t have to flaunt it. I’m going to bed.”

Dallas stopped her, taking her hand. “Megan, I want to have a party to show you off and to introduce you to the townsfolk.”

Megan let out a deep breath and sat down, pulling her hand away. “Dallas, I’m not a showpiece for ye to show off and flaunt.” She looked into his eyes, touching his cheek. “I’m your wife.”

Dallas took her hand and sat back in his chair, pulling her onto his lap. “I know that. I meant no harm.”

Megan bit her lower lip, wrapping her arms around his neck, wondering if she should ask, unsure if now was the right time. “Dallas, what happened to ye?”

His eyes opened wide, but he quickly recovered himself. “What do you mean?”

Megan placed her hand on his cheek, forcing him to look into her eyes. “What happened to make ye think that money is the most important thing in life?”

“Well, isn’t it?”

She let her hand drop from his cheek. “Dallas, you know that I was poor and have never known money. My parents died of starvation in Ireland and then Liam and I left to escape the same fate—”

“Liam?” Dallas’s eyebrows pulled together in concern.

Megan rose to her feet, wondering what to make of the jealousy in his eyes. “Me brother.”

He let out a deep breath, nodding in understanding.

“Anyway….” She sat back in her seat and took a sip of her lemonade. “The stories we heard in Ireland was to come to America, that the streets were paved in gold.” She sighed, shaking her head. “But when we arrived, the only job I could get was in a factory and Liam under water, helping to build a bridge….” Dallas gasped, but she continued. “And the only place we could afford to live was in a tenement with two other families.” She took his hand. “And to answer yer question: Yes, money is important. Without it, ye can’t survive. But there are other things that money can’t buy that are important, too.”

Dallas let out a deep breath. “I know that.”

“Just don’t ye be losin’ sight of it.” She walked around the table, sat down in the chair next to him, and gave him a light kiss.

“What happened to your brother?” Dallas’s eyebrows rose as he held her hand. “Is he still in New York?”

She shook her head as tears rimmed her eyes. “No, he died defending my honor from some Italian street thugs. He was walking me home late one night from the factory after my shift when we were attacked.”

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