Page 2 of The Banker's Bride

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“Let’s turn back,” Megan whispered, slowing.

Liam nodded, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they turned around. They were almost out of harm’s way when one of the men yelled, “What do you have there, paddy?”

Liam stiffened at the racial slur, but Megan clung tightly to his arm, shaking her head. “No! Let it go, Liam! Let’s go home.”

He let out a deep breath and started walking again, but then he looked over his shoulder at the men.

“Yeah, that’s right! I’m talking to you, you Irish mick! Bring back that Irish whore and I’ll show her what a real man can do!” the Italian man yelled.

Liam pulled his sister to a stop.

“No, Liam!” Megan begged, holding his arm. “Ignore him! He’s just a brute! Let’s go!”

Laughter rang out from the men as they approached. “A brute, am I? Well, I could show you a better time than this Irish mick could.”

Liam pulled her behind him. “Leave her alone! She’s me sister.”

The man laughed as he wobbled, his brown derby almost falling off his head. “All the better, then.” He leered as he reached for her, slurring his words. “Come here, miss, and I’ll show you what a real man is.”

Quicker than Megan would have thought possible, Liam’s fist flew at the man’s nose, knocking him to the ground. “I said, leave her alone, dago!” While the man was trying to recoverhimself and his friends attended to him, Liam wrapped his arm protectively around his sister. “Let’s go.”

She nodded as they hurried away, but there were footsteps quickly approaching from behind. All of a sudden, a hand appeared on Liam’s shoulder and spun him around. Liam ducked a punch just in time and got in a few good licks before the others ran up.

“Hold him!” one of them yelled, grabbing his arms.

“No! Leave him alone!” Megan hit one of the men’s back. He turned around and pushed her to the ground.

Fury shone in Liam’s eyes as he broke free and knocked three of them to the ground.

“Help!” Megan screamed as she hurried to the main street, looking for someone, anyone, who could help. “Men are attacking me brother and he needs help!” But the men passing by kept walking. She grabbed one man’s arm. “Please, help! Some men are beatin’ me brother! They’re going to kill him if ye don’ help!”

He shrugged out of her grasp as the woman on his arm huffed. “Get off me, woman! Go back to Ireland.” Then he hurried away with his wife.

The people of New York had become accustomed to the gang fights between the Irish and Italians, and they didn’t interfere.

“Please! Someone, help!” Tears streamed down her face as she stood in the street, looking for anyone who could help. Unable to find anyone, she hurried back, and her brother was lying in the street, bleeding. “No!”

One of the men saw her. “Let’s get out of here!”

“Not without her,” replied the drunken slob.

But another man grabbed his arm. “Leave her! Let’s go before someone comes!”

The drunken man in the brown derby let out a deep breath as he wiped the blade of his knife along his pants, glancing overat her. Then he nodded once and they ran off down the street in the other direction, leaving Liam lying in the street, bleeding.

“Liam! No!” Megan yelled, rushing to his side. When she pulled his hand away, blood covered his stomach. “No! Liam, stay with me!” Megan slipped off her shawl, balled it up, and pressed it to the wound, tears streaming down her face. “I’ll get some help–”

“No, Meggie.” He grabbed her arm, leaving streaks of blood on her dress. “Don’ ye leave me.” He coughed, and blood ran from his mouth. “I won’ be here to take care of ye anymore. I want ye to find a suitable husband for yerself and get married. Someone who will love ye and care for ye….” He coughed again and more blood poured from his mouth.

She wiped it away with her sleeve, tears running down her cheeks. “Liam, don’t ye be talkin’ like that—”

“Megan, promise me….” With more strength than she would have thought he had, he shook her shoulder. “That ye’ll take care of yerself… promise me….”

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she held his shoulders, understanding. “I promise.”

He smiled as he wiped a tear away from her cheek with his thumb. “Don’t cry fer me, Meggie. Have a good life… and remember that I love ye.” Then, his hand fell limp onto her lap.

“No, Liam!” She rocked his lifeless body back and forth in the street. “Don’t ye leave me!” After a few minutes, her rocking slowed as she wiped the blood away from his face with her sleeve and then kissed his forehead. “I love ye, too, Liam. Thank ye. Thank ye for always being there for me, and for being a great brother.”

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