Page 17 of The Banker's Bride

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Megan was wearing the readymade dress that he had bought for her the day before. It was strange that it had only been one day. To Dallas, it seemed that he’d known her much longer.

“Thank ye.” She laid the spoon next to her tea cup and gazed into his eyes. “So do ye.”

“Here we go!” Jacques came in carrying a tray filled with pancakes, syrup, and bacon. Megan’s eyes widened. Jacques smiled, obviously pleased with her reaction. After he set the tray on the table, he came back a moment later with a plate of toast and marmalade. “Well! Don’t be shy! Eat up while it’s hot.” He smiled as he headed toward the kitchen but looked back at her once more and smiled.

Megan looked up at Dallas, her eyes wide.

“Go ahead.” Dallas smiled as he motioned toward the tray, enjoying her reaction. It reminded him of where he came. He, too, remembered a time when he was hungry. But Lord willing, those days were behind them now.

Megan placed two pancakes on her plate and poured syrup over them, and Dallas did the same. She took a bite, moaning in pleasure as she closed her eyes.

“Good?” Dallas cut into his pancakes and took a bite, too. Jacques really outdid himself. They tasted delicious.

“Yes. I don’t remember ever having pancakes that taste so good. They’re light and fluffy, too.” Megan took another bite, chewed, and swallowed.

Dallas smiled in delight. “I’m so glad you’re enjoying them.”

“So, do ye have to go to work today?” Megan asked between bites.

He took a sip of his coffee. “No, not today. I wanted to spend time with you and get you settled before I go back.”

She nodded as she continued eating. Dallas had a feeling that they could be good friends in addition to being husband and wife. Besides Charles, it had been a while since he had made a true friend. “Go ahead and finish. We’re going shopping in a bit.”

Megan set down her fork, dabbing daintily at her lips with her napkin. “Dallas, we could just spend the day together. Ye don’t need to spend money on me to make me happy.”

Dallas took another sip of his coffee. “You need clothes and I’m sure some other things, too. As my wife, you’ll be expected to dress and act appropriately at all times.”

“Appropriately?” Megan’s voice suddenly turned acid. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Dallas set down his coffee cup. “It means that you are now part of society and are expected to act as such.”

“Oh, really?”

Dallas could see that his new wife had a quick temper.

“Here we go!” Mrs. Daly barged into the room, carrying a pot of coffee. “Would ye care fer more coffee?”

Dallas raised the napkin to his lips and wiped his mouth, and then laid it on his plate. “No, thank you, Mrs. Daly. We were just finishing up.”

Megan snapped her mouth closed, folded her napkin, and laid it neatly next to her plate. She started to get up, but Dallas rushed around the table to hold her chair for her.

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Megan rose from her seat. “I can get up meself without ye help.”

“You’ll have to get used to being treated like a woman of substance.”

Megan’s mouth formed a straight line. “A woman of substance, huh?”

“Well, I’ll just put this up.” Mrs. Daly looked between them and then headed back toward the kitchen, giving them privacy.

“Are you ready?” Dallas asked, still holding her chair.

Megan rose from her seat. “I don’t know. What is a ‘woman of substance’ allowed?”

Dallas nuzzled her neck. “Come on, love. Don’t be cross. I’ll teach you. Don’t worry.”

She huffed and gently pushed him away. “I take it that I’m not to help clear away the dishes?”

Dallas gave her a weak smile and shook his head.

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