Page 79 of Shattered

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My voice trembles as I break through the chaos, shouting Brayden’s name without even looking at the screen when answering.

Kal’s urgent words pierce the air. “Bohdi, he’s at Beaumont General. Me and Tray are on our way now.” The phone clicks off before I can ask more questions. I slam my foot down, defying every speed limit, racing to the hospital. Fifteen minutes later, I stride through the main reception.

“Brayden Anders!” I practically yell at the receptionist. Jace’s memories flood back—the hospital, the uncertainty. I clutch the counter’s edge.

“Sir, are you OK?” A woman steadies me, concern etching her features. This won’t be like last time. Brayden will be fine.

“Brayden.” I gasp for air. “Anders.”

“He’s upstairs, sir. Follow me.” I release the countertop, trailing behind her. The room spins, my heart galloping. Deep breaths.

“Sir, he’ll be OK,” the lady reassures me.

“He’ll be OK,” I repeat, desperate.

She nods. “He has alcohol poisoning. He’s had his stomach pumped. He’s in recovery now.” She points to a chair. “Wait here. Someone will be out to speak to you soon.”

Kal and Tray appear, their eyes pleading.

“I haven’t heard much, but I’ve been assured he will be OK. He’s had his stomach pumped.” I grimace. “I knew I shouldn’t have left him on his own.”

“Do you know any more of what happened?”

I shake my head. “No.” He was obviously broken after the funeral, but he was clear he wanted to go and have a moment on his own. “I don’t know what happened in that hour. How did you know he was here?” I question Kal.

“He must have my dad listed as next of kin, since the hospital called him.” I nod.

“Where’s your dad now?”

“On his way.” Kal rubs the back of his neck. Before I can say more, a man interrupts.

“Mr. Anders,” the man calls, and we all turn to look at him. I spring into action.

They think I’m his dad. Great. Yep, that’s me.” I raise my hand, walking over to him.

“I can let you in to see Brayden. Only one person at a time. He’s exhausted and had a traumatic night,” the doctor says, addressing Kal and Tray. I turn back to them.

“Please,” I beg quietly, and Tray nods, as does Kal.

“Let him know we’re here,” Kal instructs, as I walk away. Following the doctor, he stops just before we enter the room.

“He’s groggy but emotional. Kept screaming for his diary, which was recovered by whoever found him. It’s in the bed with him, but he’s fixated on a UV pen we can’t locate. You might know what he means.”

The diaries.

“Thanks, Doc.” I step aside, entering the room. Brayden lies in the bed, wires connecting to his chest and wrist. “Fuck.” I crumble, approaching him. His eyes lock on mine, tears streaming.

“I’m sorry. So fucking sorry,” he chokes, attempting to sit up.

“It’s OK,” I reassure him, my hands cupping his face as I press kisses to his forehead. Thanking whatever higher power exists that he’s alive.

“It was an accident, Boh,” he sobs, and I hold him close to my chest. “Bex didn’t kill himself.” I frown down at him. He must be confused.

“Bray, I think you’re tired.”

“No, it’s in here.” He leans to the side, picking up the diary. “He was going away to get better. It was an accident.” His bottom lip trembles again as more tears leak down his face. “He didn’t mean to leave me, and I don’t know why, but that hurts more.” I pull the chair closer to the bed, taking his hand in mine.

“How could he ever leave you, Bray? You were the best brother anyone could have asked for, there’s no way Bex would have left you.” I smile. “I know it hurts. Believe me, I know. But I can’t have you doing this bray. I can’t have you self-destructing. You mean too much to me.”

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