Page 101 of Shattered

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The countless videos Bexley shared with me didn’t do justice to the sheer scale of this structure. Seeing it in person—holy fucking shit. Honestly, I think Bexley would’ve chickened out. My legs tremble as I step into the pod, the doors sealing me in. Within minutes, the whole thing begins moving, and I don’t even get a chance to glance at Bohdi before the massive support poles obstruct my view.

I hope those poles are damn sturdy.

In the center, there’s a round, seat-like table, and I plop down immediately. Funny, I don’t recall the videos showing this thing suspended over a large amount of water. Maybe that’s a good thing. If it plummets, at least I’ll land in water, right? Survival odds and all that.

The motion is subtle, barely noticeable, but as I peer downward, everyone on the ground becomes smaller. And that water? It appears rough. Maybe I wouldn’t survive the fall.

Enough of this, Brayden. Stop spiraling.

“Right now, Bex, you’d be pissing yourself at how much sweat I’m drenched in. This thing—it’s fucking massive and the height? Unbelievable. Why did you choose this over Buckingham Palace? I’d have endured boredom there for you, no problem. But this? It’s pushing it, Bexley Anders.” I glance out the window, then quickly shut my eyes. Damn, it’s too damn high. Can I even stand? But I’ve got to do this for you, Bex. I stand, my legs heavy with each step I take. I keep my eyes clenched shut, walking as if on a tightrope, teetering toward my own death. I carefully open one eye, assessing my proximity to the railing. The glass surrounds me, but how tough is it? What if a bird smashes into it? Could it crack? I recall those airplane incidents, bird meets propeller, and suddenly, you’re toast. Could that happen right now?

My fingertips brush cold metal, and I exhale in relief. Still, my eyes remain shut. Bexley’s memory nudges me. His voice echoes: “Bray, it’s beautiful. Open your eyes. Don’t look down—always keep your head up and appreciate what’s in front of you.”

I can do this. I can.

I flutter my eyes open, chin lifted, gaze forward. And there it is—the view. “Bex,” I gasp, “It’s stunning. Really fucking beautiful. Why can’t you be here to see this?” A tear slips down my cheek.

I chuckle, staring at the River Thames below. “Sorry, Bex, but it’s uneventful. Looks dirty as fuck.” Another laugh escapes.

"The buildings, though—they’re something. You told me their names, but I remember only a few. They gleam, gold and strong. And the views? A lot like those videos you used to show me. You’d have loved it, the views are breathtaking."

Here I am, suspended in the sky, fulfilling the dream Bex held so tightly.

But he’s not here. His laughter doesn’t echo against the glass, and his eyes don’t widen with wonder.

“Bex,” I whisper, as if he’s beside me, “I hope your soul lingers, laced into my veins. Can you see through my eyes?” The view unfolds even more. “I hope you’re kicking your feet with excitement somewhere up there.” I glance up at the open blue sky. “Look, Bex. Look how beautiful life is underneath you.” The bag rustles in my hand, reminding me what Bohdi gave me. I open it up, pulling out the smaller paper bag, and when I open it, tears fall from my eyes once again.

“Bodhi gave us some snacks for the ride, Bex.” I laugh, pulling out a Nerds Rope and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. “Here you go, Bex.” I place the Butter Cup on the seat behind me.

But it’s bittersweet. “I want you here, sharing this moment.”

His absence tugs at my chest. A phantom ache. “I’ll be your eyes, your feet, your heartbeat. I’ll carry you through the heights, and when the wind weaves through my hair, I’ll pretend it’s your touch.” I try to swallow the sob that claws its way up my throat.

“Bex,” I murmur, tears blurring the view, “I will come back here for you again. I will capture the memories for you. I will capture every single thing for you. I will research the building. I will tell you all about them. I will live for you, Bex. I will live every fucking day for you and appreciate everything you never got to experience. Life is beautiful. You always told me that. I never saw it, but now I do. I see what you saw. I see everything and I’m sorry it took me so long.” I rub away my tears with my arm.

“Although it’s chilly out, the sun beams down on the glass, warming my bones. The city below is alive, bustling with energy, but up here, it’s just me and the memories of you, Bex.” I close my eyes, imagining his smile, the way his eyes would light up at the sight of the skyline.

“Remember how we used to dream about this?” I whisper. “We’d sit for hours, planning our adventures, imagining the places we’d go. And now I’m here, living it for both of us. It’sbreathtaking, a moment of pure beauty that I wish you could see. I promise, Bex, I’ll keep exploring, keep discovering. For you.”

I pull out my phone, snapping a few pictures. “I’ll make an album,” I say, as if he’s right beside me. “An album of all the places we wanted to see. I’ll fill it with memories, with moments that should have been ours.”

I turn my head, staring at the Reeces cup sitting on the chair “Here’s to you, Bex,” I say, raising the nerd rope like a toast. “To all the dreams we had, and all the ones I’ll keep alive for you.”

I take a bite, the sweetness mixing with the bittersweet ache in my heart. “I’ll be back, I promise.” Looking out at the city one last time. “I’ll keep coming back, and I’ll keep you with me, in every step, every breath. Life is beautiful, Bex, and now I see it.” The wheel is nearly finished as people begin to come into sight.

“The journey isn’t over, and neither is my promise to you. Every day, every moment, I’ll carry you with me. Always. I love you always and forever.

BB for life.”

As soon as it ends, and the doors open, my feet can’t move fast enough to find Bohdi. When I do, I jump into his arms; the tears streaming down my face.

“When the moment comes, I know exactly what I want to name the charity, Boh,” I say, my voice muffled as I bury my face in his neck.

I pull back slightly, my gaze locking onto his mesmerizing blue eyes, which seem to swirl with a depth of emotions. He smiles down at me, his soft eyes crinkling at the corners.

“Life is beautiful,” I whisper, my voice filled with a mix of emotion and hope.

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