Page 58 of Make Me Feel Again

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Ifeelapressureon my hand and squint my eyes open. The room is still dark, so I’m assuming it’s early hours of the morning. I go to stand up, and then I feel it again.

“Wha—” Oh my God. He’s squeezing my hand. I lean to the side and switch the bedside lamp on.

“Cash. Cash,” I shriek. I squeeze his hand back which causes him to squeeze again—harder this time. I press the buzzer on the wall to call in a nurse. I stare at his eyes, waiting for him to open them, but he doesn’t.

“Cash, c’mon. Come back to me. Please.” My heart rate increases at the fact I may see his beautiful eyes staring back at me. The nurse walks in, glancing at me and then at Cash.

“He-he.” I point to my hand, too excited and scared to say anything.

“My hand. He squeezed it. Three times.” She nods, walking over and looking at the machine. She presses some buttons and leans over Cash to check his vitals.

She nods and smiles. “It’s a great sign, Rylee. Give him time.” She reiterates again.

“I have been giving him time.” I throw my hands up. “Surely, if he’s reacting, he should be awake.” The nurse walks around and holds my hand in hers.

“I promise you, he is waking up. This is his body waking up, but slowly. His body has been through a lot of trauma. It just needs to go slow.” She offers me a sympathetic smile. I nod.

“I know. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to get frustrated. I just really want to see him smile again and hear his voice. I miss him and—” I sigh, feeling like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. “I feel like something is going to go wrong and he won’t wake up.” I turn and look at him. “I’m scared he will leave me.” A tear falls down my face as the nurse shuffles next to me. I turn to look at her as she pulls a tissue out of her pocket.

“His body is reacting extremely well to the treatment. He is fighting this like a pro. You have a strong man there, I don’t doubt for a second he won’t be back with you soon.” She offers me another soft smile before looking at his records at the end of the bed. She writes something down and walks out. I turn back to Cash again and lean up. Placing a kiss to his head.

“Please come back to me soon, Cash.” I sit back in my chair and rest my head on his hand, holding it tight, and let sleep take me back into a dream where Cash is awake and telling me he loves me.

“Rylee.” Bridget’s voice breaking causes me to jump up and look at Cash straight away, but he’s still the same.

She touches my shoulder. “You need to keep that strength up.” The bags under her eyes show she hasn’t slept in the last two days either, but she always tries to keep a smile on her face no matter what.

“Thanks, Bridge.” I take a sip of the coffee, feeling the effects as soon as I swallow. I put the bagel aside, knowing I need to eat it, but I can’t bear it right now. Boh sits opposite me in a chair, staring at Cash. I grab Cash’s hand and feel Boh’s eyes fall on me. I’m done hiding it.

“I know this may be weird for you both,” I say, keeping my eyes on Cash, holding his hand, knowing I will need his strength for this.

“When did it start,” Boh says before I can even continue. There is a bite to his voice, so I glance his way, and he stares at me with his head hung low. Bridge glances at me and then Cash. She doesn’t say anything, so she obviously wants to know now as well.

“I can’t really pinpoint a date or time but—”

“When did you start to have feelings for my brother, Rylee?” Boh asks. My anger rises, and I push my shoulders back. If he wants an argument, I will give him one. I’m not ashamed anymore. I love this man, and no one will change that.

“Like I said, I don’t know, Bohdi,” I spit out. “It happened so quickly.” My voice cracks as I squeeze Cash’s hand.

“Wa—” Boh takes a deep breath. “Was it while you were w—”

“God. No.” I rear my head back. “No. How—” The tears fall again. I can’t be mad at them for thinking this, but it still kills me that this is the first thing people will think.

“I loved Jace, I loved him with all my heart, and I will always love him. That will never change, and Cash knows that.” I sob. “I would never cheat on Jace. He was everything to me.” I choke on a sob. “I miss him every day. Me and Cash talk about him a lot.” Boh winces. “I know this is hard to accept, believe me, what you’re feeling, I felt ten times worse. I still do, but . . .” I stare at Cash and reach my hand up, stroking down his stubble which has gotten longer since being here. “I love him so much. I honestly don’t think I would have made it without him.”

“I knew something was going on. I just kept praying it wasn’t,” Boh mumbles, eyeing Cash like he wants to rip his head off. He laughs, looking down at his hands which he has linked on his lap.

“The feelings may have not started for you when you were with Jace, but it makes sense why Cash was hostile with you for no reason.” Boh glances at Bridge.

“Remember the odd times we pulled Cash aside for being snappy with Rylee. Now we know why, I guess.” He glances back at me. “Because he couldn’t have her.” He chuckles to himself.

“Oh, this is truly fucked up.” He sighs with a sarcastic smirk on his face. “My nephew hasn’t even been gone for a year, and already you two are loved up.”

“Bohdi, now is not the time for this,” Bridge mutters.

“When will it be the right time, Bridge? Huh? It’s a year next month, one fucking year, and he’s already pounced on her.”

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