Page 72 of Stolen By Dragons

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The realization bothered me more than I cared to admit. I watched as Aria stroked her dragon, the little creature nuzzling into her hand affectionately. Was it my imagination, or had the dragon grown a bit since the attack? Its scales seemed to shimmer with a new vitality, and it held itself with a confidence that hadn't been there before.

"So," I said, eager to change the subject and distract myself from the uncomfortable feelings swirling in my chest, "what exactly did your dragon do? What kind of element was that?"

Aria shook her head, looking as puzzled as I felt. "I have no idea. It was bright, like nothing I've ever seen before. Definitely not fire or water or any of the usual elements."

"Whatever it was, it was powerful," Lydia mused. "Powerful enough to take down a vampire. And twice, at that."

We fell into a contemplative silence, each lost in our own thoughts. The events of the night had raised more questions than answers. In all my years in the fae courts, with all the magic and wonder I'd seen, I'd never encountered anything quite like this. The magic lingering in the air was nothing like the other dragons, and it was unsettling.

"What do you think will happen to Marcus?" I asked, voicing the question we were all thinking. The fate of the rogue vampire was a pressing concern, not just for his own sake, but for what it might mean for the delicate balance between our various groups.

Lydia frowned, her brow furrowing in thought. "I don't know. But rejected by his own dragon... that can't be good.”

"And what about the dragon?" Aria added, her voice tinged with wonder and confusion. "It seems to have chosen Eirian instead. I didn't even know that was possible."

“None of us did. This is all new to us,” I said as Aether sat on the floor by me, Selis beside him. Both had followed behind us, silent as they watched everything.

‘It’s not a good thing. We are bound to our chosen one,’Aether shared mentally.

“Aether says it’s not good, they’re bound to us,” I shared.

“Selis says she doesn’t recognize the power yours wields, but then again, she’s still remembering who she once was,” Lydia added, and Aria nodded.

Aether had told me he recalled his life before becoming stone to some small extent, but only glimpses, and he hoped his memories would be restored as he got bigger and stronger.

“It’s still fascinating to known they’ve been reborn with some memories,” Aria murmured as she sunk onto the edge of her bed, Lydia joining her. I opted to move to the armchair in the corner, Aether curling up on the floor by me.

“Not many,” Lydia stated as Selis sighed. “Selis says if you’re curious though, yours is a girl.”

“Huh, a little girl,” Aria’s face lit up. “That’s something good to know.”

“She’ll tell you her name eventually, as the others did, once the telepathic connection develops. Aether and I think it’s as we work together, the bond strengthens, and they grow along with it,” I said. I’d spent many hours talking with Aether, who was still learning just who he was as well. I’d told him much of myself and the land I came from, and the fae, and he had listened intently with fascination.

“I wonder if the dragons will eventually communicate amongst one another as well,” Lydia wondered.

‘We go off body language, we get a sense of most things, but deeper conversation is not possible. Perhaps eventually,’Aether said into my mind.

“Maybe,” I said out loud. “For now, it’s basic body language apparently.”

“It must be so nice talking with them. Feels weird too though, like I’m missing half the conversations going on around me now,” Aria said with a sigh.

“It is odd, that’s for sure, but your dragon has powers, so she will grow as she bonds more with you, and then you’ll get the ability too,” Lydia assured her.

“Just wish we knew what that power was,” Aria said as she studied her dragon carefully. “It’s been a crazy evening.”

“I still can’t believe Marcus came after you, especially with Ossian’s protection,” I muttered. “From what I know, that’s punishable by death amongst vampires.”

“You think Ossian would…?” Aria let the question hang, and no one said a word.

Ossian was a vampire, and even though he was one of the most civil, I’d not put it past him. That was vampire law, and Marcus had broken it.

“I’m more worried that your dragon used breath ability outside of the training grounds. I thought the magic warded the place to stop that,” Lydia said.

“It felt stronger than the usual magic we’ve been witness to,” I said.

‘The magic this one used is powerful, enough to override whatever magic was supposed to dampen it,’Aether said, and I relayed his words.

“Wow,” Aria breathed as she smiled her dragon warmly.

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