Page 51 of Stolen By Dragons

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Whatever challenges lay ahead, whatever this unexpected turn of events might mean for our quest to save two worlds, I knew one thing for certain - we would face it together.

The Trial of the Stone Sentinels was over, but our true journey, it seemed, was just beginning.



Istood in the center of the Great Hall, my mind reeling as I watched the scene unfold before me. The ancient Stone Sentinels, guardians of Dracaria for millennia, had crumbled to dust. In their place, tiny dragons fluttered and chirped, their scales shimmering in the light of Dracarian stone.

This was not what I had expected. This was not what any of us had expected.

The Seer's vision had been correct in one sense - dragons had indeed been awakened. But these... these were not the majestic beasts of legend. These were infants, newly hatched and barely larger than a baby.

How were these diminutive creatures supposed to fight the Void? The very thought was absurd. We needed the power of fully grown dragons, their ancient wisdom and formidable strength. Instead, we had a nursery of flying lizards.

I watched as the earthlings - Aria, Christopher, Zephyr, and the others - fawned over their new companions. Their faceswere alight with wonder and joy, completely oblivious to the catastrophe that had just occurred.

Aria's dragon, a shimmering white creature with iridescent scales, nuzzled against her cheek. She laughed, the sound echoing off the cavernous walls of the hall. It was a beautiful moment, I had to admit. But beauty would not save us from the encroaching darkness.

My mind raced, trying to make sense of what had happened. The prophecies had spoken of awakening the dragons, yes. But we had all assumed... no, we had been certain that it meant the return of the ancient ones. The giant beasts whose very breath could reshape landscapes, whose wings could stir hurricanes.

Not these... these hatchlings.

I felt a headache building behind my eyes. What would I tell the council? How could I explain that our last, best hope against the Void was now a clutch of newborns?

The tiny dragons were growing bolder, testing their wings. They fluttered through the air, chasing each other in playful loops and spirals. The earthlings watched with delight, completely entranced by the aerial display.

I, on the other hand, could only see the potential for disaster. These creatures had no control over their abilities, no understanding of the power they wielded. It was only a matter of time before-

A bright flash caught my eye. Two of the dragons, one a deep sapphire blue and the other a burnished copper, had begun to tussle in midair. Sparks flew from their clashing claws, growing brighter and more intense with each passing second.

Suddenly, a bolt of electricity arced between them. It was wild, uncontrolled - and headed straight for Aria.

Time seemed to slow. I saw Aria, still focused on her own dragon, completely unaware of the danger hurtling towardsher. I saw the looks of horror dawning on the faces of her companions as they realized what was happening.

I didn't think. I acted.

In an instant, I shifted. My body elongated, scales erupting across my skin. Wings unfurled from my back as I launched myself across the hall.

I reached Aria just as the bolt was about to strike. I threw myself between her and the oncoming attack, and the electricity slammed into my side. Pain seared through me, but I gritted my teeth, focusing on absorbing the energy with my own magic.

The hall fell silent. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I slowly straightened, my scales still smoking slightly from the impact.

Aria stared up at me, her brown eyes wide with shock and... was that gratitude? Her white dragon chirped anxiously in her arms.

I wanted to ask if she was alright, but in my dragon form, speech was impossible. Instead, I lowered my head, meeting her gaze with what I hoped was a reassuring look.

Concentrating, I began to shift back to my human form. My scales receded and my wings folded back into my body. As the transformation completed, I stood before Aria, completely naked.

Aria's cheeks flushed a deep red, and she quickly averted her gaze. I barely noticed, unconcerned with my nudity. What did concern me was the confusing swirl of emotions I was experiencing.

Why had I reacted so instinctively to protect her? Yes, I was responsible for the safety of all the earthlings, but this... this had felt different. More urgent. More personal.

"Are you alright?" I finally managed to ask, my voice rough.

She nodded, still not meeting my eyes. "Yes, thanks to you," she said softly. "You saved me."

Her words stirred something in me, a warmth I wasn't accustomed to feeling. It was... unsettling. Was this one human, this tainted one, somehow getting under my skin?

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