Page 44 of Foxes of Legend

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“Stop making her insecure about being Fated. You’re only slowing down the inevitable, and that’s not fair to any of us. You should be thankful that she gave you a second chance,” Kairos chided.

“I came for dinner, didn’t I?” Seven snapped. “I needed some time to adjust.”

“You’re here because the Archfox ordered you. You’re here because she wants you here. So how about you make a stronger endeavor?” Kairos.

“And were you the one who asked the Archfox to order her around? The sacred magic of the goddess isn’t to be demanded upon someone,” Enko said.

“Rhys promised to stay out of it for now. I’m more pissed about that than you can understand.”

I hurried out and the conversation hushed as soon as the door opened. I sat between Seven and Enko just as a knock signaled that the food had arrived.

Our dinner came on a fancy silver cart, which felt out of place in the overcrowded dorm. Once the table was loaded, Kairos slipped the delivery man an undisclosed bill.

It was clear they were trying to keep me close to my dark mate as they arranged the chairs at the small kitchen table, one side against the wall. Kairos offered me the chair next to Seven. Enko sat diagonally from me.

Seven sat so close that my knee rested against his leg. He kept his gaze on the food until he snapped his eyes to mine. “What?”

“She’s allowed to look at you,” Kairos drawled. “Especially after the shit you pulled in the shrine today.”

“Don’t push it. We may be Fated to the same woman, but I could still kill you,” Seven barked as he brushed his hair over the top half of his scar.

“What did the Archfox say?” Kairos asked as he piled a heap of mashed potatoes onto my plate.

Seven grunted, a glare ping-ponging between the two of us. “Nothing.”

“How do you know the Archfox?” I asked Seven, who turned the back of his head to me and ignored my question completely.

Kairos answered for him. “He adopted Seven—”

Seven snapped his gaze back to us. “Rhys has some kind of obsession with powerful kitsune, as you’ll soon find out. He didn’t adopt me. He let me stay at his house after the murders.”

Seven’s lips tightened as though he’d said the words accidentally. Kairos’ breathing faltered.

The men dished out the food in the silence and Kairos grabbed a heaping spoon of broccoli. When he aimed for my plate, my hands hovered over it to stop it.

“Nutrition is of the utmost importance at the academy,” Kairos said. And with one reprimand and one reproachful look down his nose, the broccoli ended up on my plate.

My shoulders slumped, peering at Seven’s plate begrudgingly. “How come Seven doesn’t have to eat it?”

Without hesitation, Kairos grabbed another spoonful of broccoli,almostas big as mine, and plopped it down on Seven’s plate. My dark mate glared and I poked my tongue out at him mockingly.

I popped a spoonful of mashed potatoes in my mouth, the long day taking a lot out of me. A robust moan released at the buttery goodness. I stabbed a sliver of juicy steak, the perfectmedium, closing my eyes as I hummed in pleasure. Skipping lunch hadn’t done me any favors.

As I went for another bite, the three of them stared at me. Enko ran his tongue over his lips, Kairos biting his, and—wait, was Seven panting?

“What’s going on?” I asked.

My question caused Seven to shake his head as if he could dislodge the thoughts from it.

“If you keep making sounds like that, we’re not going to make it through dinner. We’ll skip straight to dessert.” Kairos’ eyes hazed over with desire.

“Oh.” I stuffed a fourth bite in my mouth to avoid responding, making sure no more noises escaped.

The plates emptied and we reentered dangerous territory as Kairos said, “Seven, it’s best for Dove if we all live together. You should be sleeping here at night.”

At least now I had my own bed, even if it was squashed between Kairos’ and Enko’s.

Seven took a long sip of his drink and I found myself glancing over at him, unsure if he’d respond at all. Enko reached under the table and touched my leg instinctively as I tried to hide my dismay.

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