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I grinned, shaking my head at her. “Yeah, it’s just a little thing.”

“Uh-huh, just a little thing,” she replied, smirking. “I bet it’s gonna get hot out there by the fire.”

I rolled my eyes, but she isn’t exactly wrong.

Now, as I pull up to his ranch, the sun dipping below the horizon, my stomach flips in that familiar way. His place is as beautiful as ever, the sprawling land stretching out around the barn and the house, the fields bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun.

When I step out of the car, I’m hit with the scent of burning wood, the fire already going strong, and there’s Rayne, standing by the pit, stacking logs. He’s wearing that same cowboy hat, a flannel shirt that hugs his broad shoulders, and those damn jeans that look way too good on him. The sight of him does things to me I’ll never admit out loud. Well, not yet, anyway.

I walk over, feeling the warmth of the fire and something else—a pull, like gravity drawing me closer to him. He looks up when I approach, and just seeing that grin on his face makes my heart skip a beat.

“Hey, you,” I say, trying to play it cool, even though I’m practically buzzing with excitement.

Rayne steps closer, his dark eyes taking me in, and there’s that smoldering heat that never really goes away when he looks at me. “Hey yourself. You ready for this?”

I nod, and he pulls me in for a quick kiss, the roughness of his stubble brushing against my skin. It’s the kind of kiss that says a lot without words—like he’s telling me he’s happy I’m here, and also that this night is going to end in a whole lot of heat.

He pulls back, his hand lingering on my lower back, and nods toward the group of chairs around the fire. “Grab a seat, I’ll be over in a second.”

I sit down, settling in by the fire, feeling the warmth sink into my skin. The sky’s turning dark now, stars starting to peek through the clouds, and there’s something about the whole scene that feels… perfect.

Rayne joins me a minute later, sitting close enough that his knee brushes against mine. We’re surrounded by friends, but I can’t focus on anything but him. The way the firelight flickers over his face, casting shadows that make him look even more intense than usual. And the smell of smoke, pine, and him—it’s all driving me a little wild.

“Having fun?” I ask, leaning in a little closer, my lips barely brushing his ear as I speak.

Rayne’s lips twitch into a grin, and he turns slightly, his hand slipping onto my thigh under the blanket we’ve both wrapped around us. “Now I am.”

I swallow hard, feeling the heat from his touch shoot straight through me, and it takes everything in me not to drag him off somewhere right this second.

But this moment is nice. It’s simple and easy, and I like it.


I’ve been watching Billie all night, and fuck, she’s driving me insane. Every time she shifts in her seat, I catch a glimpse of her curves under that sweater, and it takes every bit of willpower not to pull her into my lap and kiss her senseless right here in front of everyone. But I can wait. Hell, I’ve waited long enough.

I glance at her out of the corner of my eye, catching the way the firelight flickers in her dark eyes, and my hand tightens on herthigh. She looks up at me, her lips parting, and I know she feels it too—the heat, the need, the damn tension that never seems to leave when we’re together.

Leaning in close, I press my lips against her ear. “You wanna get outta here?”

She looks up at me, her eyes shining with mischief. “What, you’re tired of the fire already?”

I let out a low chuckle, my hand slipping higher under the blanket, brushing just close enough to make her breath hitch. “I’m not tired, Billie. I’m just ready to be somewhere a little more… private.”

She shivers, and I can feel the pulse of excitement in her body, matching mine. Without another word, she stands up, taking my hand, and we slip away from the group, heading back to the truck.

The night air is cool, but the second we’re alone in the truck, the heat between us is scorching. Billie’s on me before I even start the engine, her hands in my hair, her mouth on mine, and I’m lost in her all over again.

* * *


The second Billie’s lips crash into mine, I know I’m done for. She’s on my lap, her hands tangled in my hair, her body pressed so tight against me it’s like she’s trying to become part of me. And hell, I want that. I want her in every way possible.

I grip her hips, pulling her down harder against my growingerection, my cock straining painfully in my jeans. The heat between us is scorching, like the fire we just left, but this is hotter. This is burning me up from the inside out.

Her mouth is greedy, her lips soft but insistent as they claim mine. I let her take what she wants because, fuck, I’m happy to give it. Her tongue slips past my lips, and I groan into her mouth, my hands moving to cup her ass, squeezing it through her jeans. She moans, the sound vibrating through me, shooting straight to my dick.

I break the kiss, trailing my lips down her neck, biting and sucking gently at the sensitive skin there. Her breath hitches, and she grinds against me, her hips rolling in a way that makes me see stars.

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