Page 48 of Lesson Learned

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The betrayal in my friend’s voice makes my chest tighten, my throat swell. “Floss is my friend, too. I just wanted to know what was going on and you wouldn’t tell me.”

“And are you satisfied now?” James asks, eyes glinting like fluorescents reflecting off a blade.

I want to say no. To defend Floss against the slander. James might be handsome, but she’s always disliked him, quicker to show dismay at her friend’s choice than me.

But all three of them are telling the same tale.

It must be me who’s out of step.

“Yes,” I say, standing and moving to her side. “I’m sorry. You know I never meant to hurt you.”

She lets me hug her, then we’re moving away, leaving Floss behind. I warn myself not to turn, not to look back, not to risk turning to salt.

* * *

The next day,Friday, I’m nervous turning up at breakfast, but Marnie is back to her usual smiling self and James is nowhere to be seen.

“He had an early morning appointment,” she answers with a breezy lack of detail. “Something to do with his father’s business and a job opportunity. He’ll be gone all day.”

All day.

Sheer luxury.

Even Brooke strolls over, mid-breakfast, to join us. It’s close to how we were a month or more ago, a time I should have treasured because I’m low-key wretched now it’s gone.

“Saturday night?” she confirms, adding a squeal of excitement. “Yes, please. I swear, if I have to go out with Harrison’s mates in tow one more time, I’ll die. The last time, they had a competition to drink beer until the first one vomited.” Her mouth drags down in revulsion. “God spare me from groups of men.”

I laugh, excited to have something to look forward to. And I have a heap of money loaded on my card from a few weeks of steady income and no real expenses. I could afford the entry fee anywhere.

Not that I’d ever suggest going near the Bounty Club again. Even with the bartender gone, the thought makes my stomach heave.

“Wonder if we’ll bump into Mr Bradley again,” Brooke says, eyes sparkling with mischief. “After you two hit it off so well last time.”

“He paid for my entry fee,” I scoff, heart racing, eyes swivelling to Marnie to check her expression, hoping she’s kept her word and hasn’t said a thing. “That’s hardly a marriage proposal. He’s probably installed that gorgeous blonde at home.”

An idea that fills me with indignant rage, despite having originated from my head.

We have lunch together, me laughing hard at even stupid jokes because my spirits are buoyant. After class, I walk to my room to change, with an agreement to catch up with them at the sports fields to watch an afternoon friendly between Kingswood and Waimari High.

I unlock the door, turning to lock it again behind me.

A body slams into mine. Presses me flat against the door. A hand clasps over my mouth before I can draw breath to scream.

Terror careens through my body, standing my hairs on end, my blood pressure skyrocketing until cotton wool muffles my hearing and my eyes bulge.

Then there’s a low chuckle in my ear. A hand twists in my hair until it tugs my head back.

James’ voice is hoarse as he says, “About time we had a little chat.”



I havean infinitesimal moment of relief as I recognise his voice, then I’m consumed with a dread so strong my whole body shakes. When he removes his hand from my mouth, I clamp my lips together, trapping the scream in place behind them. I slowly spin to face him, batting away the fingers still twisted in my hair.

For weeks, longer, I’ve known there was something dark, uncomfortable,dangerousabout him. My concern was for Marnie. Now the malevolent glint in his eye transfers the worry back to me.

My hands tremble, palms sweaty. Each breath becomes choppy as my heartrate skyrockets, fear so thick I could chew on it, choke on it. My brain performs a physical equation, calculating our size difference before giving up in surrender. He’s a monstrous shadow looming over me, cutting off the light.

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