Page 29 of Her Forbidden Flesh

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Hours later as I lie awake cocooned in Rhys’s possessive embrace, the scent of my honeysuckle body wash and our relentless coupling steeped in the air around us, I have no choice but to face the colossal fuck up I’ve created. Without Rhys distracting me and my own body completely abandoning sense, I know I have made things so much harder for everyone.

This can’t continue. It can’t. Never mind the fact that I tell Mom literally everything, I can’t go home knowing Rhys will be there and not touch him. I can’t sit across the table from him and pretend his cum isn’t drying inside me.

Also, Mom isn’t stupid. Oz isn’t blind. They are both incredibly perceptive and brilliant. They will take one look at myface and know I’m a disgusting and foul individual. Filth. An embarrassment.

I bite down hard on my bottom lip, stopping the quiver as my eyes burn. I turn my face into Rhys’s collarbone and immediately his arms tighten around me, and I have to stifle back the sob lodged in my throat.

This isn’t going to work. In no world can we be together. Not unless we leave everything behind and move to another country. But I can’t go a day without calling Mom. We may not live in the same city, but she and Oz come to see me almost once a month. I have never not had contact with her. Running off, cutting ties would destroy us both.

But finding out what I did ... she would be horrified. I know she would be. I was there with her and Iris in the kitchen the day after what Rhys and I did.

I had no plans for afterwards when I took the game to Rhys. Tomorrow was a lifetime away and a problem for later. At eighteen and feeling like I knew everything, I had zero concept of consequences, but they came in the form of Rhys’s Aunt Iris in her oversized coat, smudged, red lipstick and plastic bangles that clattered noisily as she stormed into the kitchen waving a book over her head.

“Can you believe this!” She smacked the book down on the island in front of me and Mom. “I was at the store this morning grabbing groceries for supper and found this at the register.”

Mom and I both leaned in to study the graphic, but tastefully done art on the cover. At a glance, it resembled every other romance novel displayed at the register of any store, butthe man was green and scaly with the captions,double the breeding across the top.

Aunt Iris slapped the book from my hands when I reached to flip it over to read the description. Her expression was one of abject horror and disgust.

“That is not for you to see!”

I blinked. “Why not? What’s it about?”

I had an idea; the lizard man was double the size of the tiny brunette nestled against his chest, and she looked very, very happy.

“Nothing you need to concern yourself about. This is what’s wrong with the world and girls today.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Sexy lizard men with two—?”

“Adeline Josephine Broker!” she hissed, slapping the book down with a vicious smack. “The very fact that you can talk so candidly about something so vile shows how lax your parents have been raising you. This is trash. Human waste. The author clearly has no father at home to teach her what is proper.”

I tried to sneak a peek at the author’s name for my own personal research later, but Iris was on a roll.

“They’re all like this now. Degrading trash some godless publishing house deemed fitting for publication. Monsters. Demons ... dogs! Mating with humans. The Bible...” she stopped abruptly to suck in a breath. “Those who breed with animals...”

I bite back my laugh. “They’re fiction.”

“They’re someone’s fantasy. Women who read this, want this.”

I dare a glance at the cover on the marble counter, at the lizard man with the big, strong hands and apparently two penises.

My brain immediately flipped to Rhys’s dick sliding between my lips, across my tongue. His pre-cum hot and saltyfilling my throat. I had to press my thighs together at the memory alone.

“And that’s why I demanded to speak to the manager.”

Mom, who hadn’t said a word the entire interaction met my eye and shook her head.

This was Iris. This was what she did. We all just accepted it.

“I made sure she took every one of those copies down.”

I didn’t point out she supported the author by buying a copy. It didn’t seem to have registered yet and I wasn’t going to bring it up.

“But I followed her to where they keep the other books and...” she clutched her chest and dropped into a stool. “The sheer volume of pornographic filth. Women with criminals. Women being sold and traded between multiple men. Brothers fornicating with their sisters.”

I freeze as she spits out the latter. My entire body goes rigid with a cold chill. My heart thumps wildly in my chest.

“Incest. Can you even fathom?” she slapped her purse down and chucks the book inside. “The very idea that you could look at your brother and think, that’s the one. Of the billions of men in the world, my brother is the one I want. It’s sick. It’s vile and disgusting. People who think this way need to be checked. There’s clearly something wrong in their heads.”

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