Page 21 of Bigfoot's Wife

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"Let me guess," Deborah interjects, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Pastor Holier-Than-Thou denied everything, and the public ate it up."

I nod miserably. "I was so stupid–"

"Stop that right now," Steph cuts me off, her eyes flashing. "You were not stupid. You were grieving and vulnerable, and that sleazeball took advantage."

"Steph's right," Kiki adds gently. "You need to stop blaming yourself. You were preyed on by a predator.”

“Mm-hmm.” Deborah nods emphatically. “Girl, you were played. Hold your head up high. You did nothing wrong. ”

I look up into earnest eyes and sincere gazes, so grateful for these new friends. Getting that off my chest makes me feel lighter already. Especially with these women at my back.

So I continue.

“The school board terminated me because of the scandal and little by little I just shrunk into myself. I became a recluse, afraid to go out in public. Afraid I’d be recognized. I found work online as a freelance editor and did all my shopping through delivery apps.”

“Wait.” Deborah's brow furrows. “Didn't you say something about a fire in your apartment building? You said you lost everything."

I nod. “I did. The fire completely destroyed the building and ripped my safe little hideaway out from under me. I was reduced to living in a homeless shelter when Dewey Scruggs, who I now know is the custodian of the Sasquatches, offered me a cryptic opportunity. The shelter director vouched for him, and honestly, I had nothing left to lose.”

And that's the story of how I found myself arriving in a transport bus with four other women at a secret underground city full of legendary monsters. Because apparently, truth is stranger than fiction.

The silence that follows is deafening. I want to crawl under the table and disappear. Why did I just spill all my tea? As if the backstory they knew about me wasn't pitiful enough, I had to go and add to it by admitting I was recruited from a homeless shelter.

Suddenly, Deborah blurts out, "I was recruited from jail." Her eyes go wide, and she claps a hand over her mouth. "I shouldn't have said that," she mumbles through her fingers.

All eyes turn to her, but she keeps her gaze locked on me. "Story for another time.” She waves her hands in front of her. We’re talking about you."

Steph, never one to stay quiet for long, pipes up. "Look, I get why you'd be traumatized, but you can't honestly compare Olwydd to that slimeball Houghton."

She's right, of course. Olwydd is nothing like Jacob. But that's not really the point, is it? I just wanted a clean slate, a chance to exist without the specter of Boom Boom Bambi hanging over me. I didn't want him to know.

“So he dug up everything and knows all about the skeletons in your closet. What makes you think he's judging you?” Deborah shrugs. “Maybe he feels the same way about it as we do.”

"Just my two cents," Steph adds, "but I think you should at least talk to him. I'd bet my left tit that the big hairy beast is head over heels in love with you. I mean, we can all see it."

Kiki leans forward, her expression serious. "Is this a hard boundary for you, Bambi? Or do you just need some time to cool off?"

I bite my lip, considering her words. The anger that fueled my dramatic exit is starting to ebb, leaving behind a muddle of embarrassment, hurt, and... something else. Something that feels suspiciously like regret. I was so mean to Olwydd. I was caught off guard and…I feel kind of bad about how I reacted.

Maybe I'm not really upset with Olwydd. Maybe I'm just embarrassed and humiliated and taking it out on him. The memory of how cruel I was this morning makes me cringe.

I take a deep breath, feeling the knot in my chest loosen ever so slightly. "I think... I think I just need some time," I admit. "But maybe I'll talk to him. Eventually."



The school caverns are abuzz with Sasquatches this evening for parent-teacher conference night.

I’m totally prepared. I have some fabulous students and I can’t wait to gush to moms and dads about how well they’re doing in my class. When my classroom door creaks open, my face breaks out in a welcoming smile. It falters when I see who it is.


Well, great.

“Good evening, Braith," I manage, my voice only slightly higher than usual. "Please, have a seat."

She settles into the chair across from me, and I launch into my well-rehearsed spiel about her boys' progress. "Osian is excelling in math, and Elis has shown a real aptitude for?—"

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