Page 27 of Bigfoot's Bride

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"But there was something else too. It's hard to explain," I continue, "but it was like...fulfilling on a deeper, more spirituallevel. Definitely nothing I’ve ever experienced before." My head snaps up sharply after my admittance. I expect them to snicker and tease me, but they don’t.

Bambi puts a hand over her heart, "That's beautiful, Maria.”

"It really is," Steph agrees, uncharacteristically serious.

I glance over at Deborah and Octavia, who both look a bit misty-eyed as well, so I continue. "I know it sounds crazy, but I really think there's something special about this place."

The words settle over us, and it hits me then how much I like sitting here, laughing and bonding with these women. For the first time in longer than I can remember, I feel a sense of belonging.

Don't get me wrong, I still miss my old life. But I think, if I’m never granted the miracle I’ve been praying for—going back to the real me, to who I was before WITSEC—that staying here in Grotto wouldn’t be so bad.

“So, anyone know what a hootenanny is?”

Chapter 18


The hootenanny at Taps is in full swing. Music's blaring, Squatches are getting their groove on, and there’s chatter and laughter in the air. I guide Kiki to a table in the back, my arm around her shoulders possessively.

As we settle in, I signal Huw for a round of drinks—Giir for me and lemonade for Kiki.

"So," I clear my throat, trying to act casual. "How do you like Grotto so far?"

Kiki takes a sip of her lemonade, considering. "I love it. It’s fantastic.”

“There are other levels. Levels you haven’t toured yet. I’d like to show them to you.”

"Other levels?" she sputters. How far down does this place go?”


Her eyes widen as she absorbs that tidbit.

I take her tiny hand in mine. “I’m really hoping you’ll stay beyond the thirty days. As in indefinitely.” The words tumble out before I can stop them.

Her eyes go wide and I wonder if maybe I shouldn’t have blurted it out so casually. But after last night, she must know how I feel, right?

"Gruffydd, I...I don't know what to say." She sets down her glass, fidgeting with her napkin. "This has all been so wonderful, so surreal. And you've been amazing. But..."

My heart sinks. She’s not ready to commit.I can see it in her eyes.

"I can't give you a definite answer right now," she continues softly. "But I can say that I've had the best time since I arrived here. And, well, it's not like I have anywhere else to go. So...I'm yours. For now, at least."

For now. The words echo in my head. It's not a yes, but it's not a no either. It's a maybe. A possibility.

"What do you mean, nowhere else to go?" I lean forward, searching her face. "Kiki, what happened up there? In the human world?"

She tenses, her gaze darting away. "It's...complicated."

I open my mouth to press further, but she happens to catch the wink and brow waggle Enfys shoots me and Kiki’s eyes narrow.

"You two know each other well?" Kiki's gaze flicks between us. I see suspicion with a hint of anger cloud her features.

Is she jealous? She is.

"Very well," I confirm. Enjoying my mate’s jealousy.

“Very well,” she repeats. “Then she leans over the table bringing her face closer to mine, “How well?”

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