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Max spins me, then wraps his arms around me from behind and leans in close, sending shivers across my skin even though I’m flushed from exertion. “Guess Aunt Iris only has a thing for my brother.”

“He’s going to be so disappointed you missed out, but of course, the night’s still young.”

He spins me again, and has me laughing as we work up a sweat, dancing through several songs.

As a new track starts, Max pulls me close. “Want something to drink?”

I lift my hair and fan my neck. “Yes, please.”

With his hand resting lightly on the bare skin at my lower back, he guides us over to the bar, where he orders another round of the drinks we had earlier, and then leads us to seats at a high table nearby.

Leaning back after a long draw from his beer bottle, he says, “That was fun. I haven’t danced in a while.”

“It was fun.”

“You looked good out there.” His tone and his eyes tell me he’s talking about more than just my dancing, and I’m trying to decide how or whether to respond when the music fades to a stop.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” It’s Adam, standing near the deejay, microphone in hand. As most of the conversation around the pool area comes to a stop, he continues. “I know you’re all going to be hearing quite a few speeches over the next couple of days, and I don’t want to take too much time out of your fun tonight, but I need to say a few words about a very special woman.

“Sadie, can you come up here?” He beckons to my sister, who’s standing with a group of friends. A few people clap when Sadie reaches Adam, and he puts an arm around her shoulders.

“I really appreciate all of you coming here with us to celebrate our love.” Some whistles and cheers come from the crowd. “In just two days, this amazing woman is going to be my bride, and I couldn’t be happier.” Adam turns to face my sister. “Sadie, I adore you with all of my heart. I’m bursting with the love I have for you, and I need to tell you and everyone gathered here what it is that makes you so wonderful.”

Sadie is beaming, and my heart swells for her. Max catches my eye and gives me a special smile as my soon-to-be brother-in-law starts listing the things he adores about Sadie, from big, abstract things like her generosity and caring, to small, very specific things, like how she sings at the top of her lungs when they’re in the car together and her favorite song comes on.

People laugh and gush at all the right spots, and by the end of his list, my sister is crying big, happy tears as he puts the mic down and gives her a hug and a passionate kiss.

A tear builds at the corner of my eye, but I quickly wipe it away. “That was sweet,” I say to Max, who’s watching me.

“It was.”

“Adam’s always doing romantic things like that. His proposal was over-the-top, right in the middle of a baseball game that he was playing. On one of their dating anniversaries, he painted hearts all over her car early in the morning while she was still asleep.”

Max nods, his usual pleasant grin in place. “Would you like that in a partner—a lot of romance?”

It’s an interesting question, and one I hadn’t really thought about before. It’s wonderful for Sadie, and she clearly loves it, but I can’t imagine it for myself.

I toy with the pineapple wedge that garnishes my drink, wiggling it loose from the rim of the glass. “I don’t think big gestures like that would be my style. I think it’s the little things that are important in a relationship.”

I suppose I formed this opinion from the absence of small gestures in my relationship with Rick. I used to buy him things I knew he liked, and stick little love notes on the bathroom mirror, but he never did anything like that for me.

“It’s those little things that let you know your partner is thinking of you,” I say.

Max nods again, looking thoughtful. “I like that.”

As I chew a bite of pineapple, I get a little lost in bitter memories—so lost that I think I’m imagining it when I hear a familiar voice that feels like acid churning in my gut.

“Callie. How nice to see you here.”



Ithought I’d seen Callie at a low point that night her car wouldn’t start and her mother was pressuring her about bringing a date to the wedding.

Based on her expression, her distress that day was nothing compared to what she’s experiencing right now.

There’s a man standing at our table, and I know who he is before she speaks his name.


“Rick Jansen.” He holds out his hand to me, waiting for an introduction.

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