Page 15 of Echoes

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"So, you're going to keep a handle on her?"

"I'm going to make sure she doesn't fucking speak," I correct. "Plus, like you said, she might have more useful benefits down the line. But at the moment, we need to keep everything off Arthur's radar. I have no doubt the board is scrambling to do damage control."

Grey nods sternly. "And you'll tell me more when it's relevant." It's not a question, but a demand.

"Yes," I answer, standing up straight. "So for now, I need you to prepare the society. Call for an emergency meeting tomorrow night. Have Leighton assist with preparations."

"Who needs to attend?" he asks.

"Everyone. I want all the members. It's important that we are all across this. We might need to review some of the operations and escalate them."

"Alright. Anything else?"

I scan his face carefully, knowing my next few words might tip him over the edge. "Yes. Avery will need to attend as well, but I'll pass the message along to her."

"Fine," he grunts, turning to head toward the door, but I'm not done.

"One more thing," I start, making him stop short. "You should know that Arthur has started punishing her."

Grey swings around, face blank. "Punishing how?" he says tonelessly, but underneath, I can see his blood start to boil.

I choose my words carefully, doing my best to weaponize—and subdue—my friend. "Connor has relayed the information that she's currently being subjected to chores."

His face twitches slightly in confusion and annoyance. "So, what? We all have designated jobs around here. It's nothing new."

"I'm aware," I snipe back. "But this will extend beyond that according to my information. You'll do well not to get involved."

"I'm not getting involved," he scoffs back in frustration. "Avery and I are done. We were done the moment she chose someone else."

"Good," I answer casually. "But if you see her scathed, remember that. Because we can't have you flying off the handle and ruining things. I'll find a way for you to vent your frustration, but you need to trust me and give me time."

Grey gives me a firm nod. "I do trust you."

I hear his words but I also see the way his fists have curled into a ball, the way his spine has straightened at the mention of her being hurt. This is going to be one hell of a task keeping him calm if he comes across her, but it's better he has some warning. I know how he processes things, how he makes plans to cover every single situation. At least now, he knows what to expect, so he won't be surprised. He loves control, needing to be in the know just like me. Knowledge is power, and I've given him that. It's up to him to respond to the situation accordingly.

It's just a matter of whether or not she's gotten her claws into him deep enough to disrupt that hard wiring that runs through his body and mind.

Chapter 6


I'm dragged back to my room for a short period.

I relish the chance to lay down on my bed, desperate for a nap. But it's short lived when the door swings open again a short time later.

"Get up. Time for class," the guard orders.

I groan, fighting back the urge to cry. It's amazing how much sleep can affect our functioning. It's no wonder that sleep deprivation used to be wielded as a torture method. I'm physically exhausted and hurting—mentally even more so. I'd give anything to just have a break for an hour, but everyone in this facility seems hellbent on breaking me.

Dragging my feet, I follow the guard to Charmaine's room, the burn in my hands starting to return. I'm tempted to request medical assistance, but I don't want to give anyone leverage against me. I don't want them to know that they are getting to me. It's bad enough the staff are trying to mess with me, but now I have Damon to worry about as well.

He's everywhere I go. And if it's not him, it's a proxy.

I slump into my usual seat, resting my chin on my palm while my elbow is propped up on the desk. We wait as the others arrive one by one, my heart malfunctioning as Grey enters last.

As he steps into the classroom, head up high, he briefly looks over at me. It only lasts a split second before he looks away, sitting down in his seat.

"Alright, everyone," Charmaine says loudly. "I know it's been a rough few days with the death of your fellow student, but we must continue. Today, we'll be diving into some history and geography. On your desks you'll find some reading to do. Please start there and familiarize yourself with the material. Afterwards, we'll have a discussion on the events and where they took place."

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