Page 55 of Lady of Shadows

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“I know, Love, but you’re not alone. You can rest here.”

“Can I? Even here am I not still drowning? Is Mikale not finding me? Are the orphans not still sitting ducks? Do you not wish me to take a throne and take on the problems of two entire Courts?”

“Scarlett, you are alone in none of those things. Mikale cannot have you. We will figure out the orphans, and as for the Courts, that choice is yours. If you do not take the throne, nothing will change about how I look at you. If you want to move to a house in the mountains and live out your life there, I will make sure you are safe and fulfilled.”

Scarlett fell silent as she looked up at Sorin, who was still fiddling with her braid. This day was absolutely perfect. Sitting with him, talking and being real. It was just perfect and wonderful, and she could breathe.


“Yeah, Love?”

“I don’t blame you. For my mother’s death. You are not responsible for that.”

Sorin stilled, clearly not knowing what to say, but then he stiffened at the same moment she felt it. It was like an icy breeze with no wind. The hair on her arms stood on end, and gooseflesh appeared. They were both instantly on their feet. The boulders in the courtyard seemed to vibrate until one of the smaller ones exploded. A shield of flame from Sorin instantly surrounded them and bits of rock bounced off of it.

“Shit.” His voice was pure dread. Scarlett watched as, with a finger, he drew some sort of symbol with flame that disappeared as quickly as he drew it. His eyes came back to hers, and he said, “I am so sorry.”

“For what?” Scarlett asked, her eyes widening.

But Sorin turned to face the entrance to the courtyard, shoving Scarlett behind him.

“Hello, Prince of Fire.”

Talwyn stepped into view, and Scarlett paled. Her radiance was even more profound in person. Talwyn’s hair was braided to the side and over her shoulder. Bits of ivy and purple flowers were interwoven into it. She wore brown pants and a white tunic with fighting leathers over the top. Daggers and weapons adorned her, including twin blades strapped to her back. On her finger, she saw her ring, the twin to the one on Scarlett’s own finger. Scarlett balled her hands into fists, trying to hide her ring from view.

“What are you doing here, Talwyn?” Sorin’s tone was vicious.

“I told you our conversation was not over,” Talwyn replied, her own tone as malicious as his.

“Then we will discuss this elsewhere. I will come to the White Halls. You have my word,” Sorin replied.

“Your word means nothing to me,” Talwyn drawled with a sneer.

A high-pitched whining sound reached Scarlett’s ears. It sounded like claws were scraping down the stones of the courtyard walls. Scarlett pressed her hands to her ears, crying out as she dropped to her knees, the sound excruciating.

“I do believe it is time we met outside of the Forest, don’t you?” Talwyn lilted.

“Stop this, Talwyn,” Sorin snarled. “This is between you and me.”

Scarlett could hear the panic in his voice. She had only heard that in his voice one other time— when he’d thought she was dying from the shirastone dagger wound in her side.

“It was between you and me until you brought others into it,” Talwyn sneered, her eyes flashing with ire. As if blown in by unseen winds, Callan, Finn, and Sloan appeared, bound with vines around their wrists and gagged.

“Callan!” Scarlett cried. She shot to her feet and made to run to them, but Sorin gripped her wrist, keeping her inside his shield. Finn’s eyes were wide as he beheld them all. Sloan’s face was twisted with rage, but Callan’s gaze was fixed on her. She couldn’t read his face, his eyes.

No. No! This wasn’t happening again. She flashed back to acold dungeon cell when Cassius, Nuri, and Juliette had been led into the room to get to her.

The earth buckled beneath her feet, and Scarlett found herself stumbling outside of Sorin’s shield and towards Talwyn. She was ripped from Sorin’s grip, and she felt his flames reach for her, but the air was sucked from them.

“Don’t worry, Prince of Fire,” Talwyn crooned. “I am not going to do anything to her. We just need to talk.” Talwyn snapped her fingers, and Scarlett was trapped in a swirling vortex of wind with no way out.

“Sorin!” she cried, but her voice was carried away on the whirling winds.

Ashes and smoke appeared behind Sorin, and Rayner stepped from them, his blades drawn.

“Welcome, Ash Rider,” Talwyn drawled. “I assumed you would arrive shortly after I did.”

Rayner’s eyes went from Sorin to Scarlett and back.

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