Page 140 of Lady of Shadows

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“I am not your subject,” Scarlett replied. Her voice was as sharp as the edge of a dagger, and Talwyn stilled. “In fact, as of yesterday, this entire side of the table is no longer under your jurisdiction. You do not get to give me or them orders, cousin.”

“You do not understand the gravity of all of this, Scarlett.”

“I think you will find I understand a lot more than you think I do.”

“Enlighten me then,cousin.”

“I do not need to prove myself to you,” Scarlett hissed.

“No, but you do need to prove yourself to your people. To your Courts,” Talwyn purred.

“She needs to prove nothing to us,” Sorin snarled.

“The rest of her people do not get the pleasure of being between her legs, Prince of Fire. She certainly does need to prove herself.”

Scarlett felt the flames flicker in her eyes. Everyone else in the room had gone silent as the two queens stared at each other, letting the power struggle play out. “You do not,” Scarlett began, her voice quiet with rage, “get to invite yourself intomyhome, insult me, my Courts, my family, and my husband and try to give me orders.”

“This is not your home,” Talwyn spat back. “Your home is in the Black Halls.”

“Thisis my home, andthisis my family,” Scarlett answered, gesturing to the people along her side of the table. “I am going to the mortal lands. I have friends there who need me and other matters to tend to. I depart tomorrow. If you need me to speak to Hazel before I go, send word.” Scarlett stood to leave the room.

“Are you dismissing me?” Talwyn asked, shooting to her feet. Incredulous anger rang in her voice and colored her face. Azrael was on his feet as well, a tentative hand on Talwyn’s arm.

“I guess I am,” Scarlett replied with a shrug, and she strode for the doorway. Before she crossed the threshold, she looked over her shoulder at Talwyn simmering with rage and said sweetly, “You may see yourselves out. Princess Ashtine, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

“We are not done here,” Talwyn seethed, starting towards Scarlett.

Between one breath and another, panthers made of shadows appeared between them, growling and snapping teeth of razor sharp ice. “Oh, I think we are.”

Scarlett left the dining room. They were on the main floor of the palace, and she strode for the main gates. As she was nearing the bridges, she heard her name being shouted. Callan. They had not spoken since their argument in the gardens. That seemed like ages ago. She closed her eyes and kept walking. She couldn’t deal with him now.

She slipped from the doors, walking until she was standing on the banks of the river that ran through her home. She knew Callan had tried to follow her. Her shadow panthers had snarled warnings at him that had kept him from following further. As she stood there, she peered through that rip in the world, aching to step through onto a beach that meant so much to her. But she couldn’t. Not yet. She couldn’t go back to Baylorin alone, not even for a moment, just to breathe in that sea air.

She felt him rather than heard him come up beside her. He didn’t say a word. Just stood beside her. “I can see it,” she said. “Ican see that beach as if looking through a window. I am ready to go back.”

“I know you are, Love,” Sorin said gently.

“We’ve left them there too long. We should have gone back for them weeks ago. Who knows what he’s been going through.” After a pause, she added, “I miss him, Sorin.”

Sorin was silent for a long moment. He knew who she was talking about. He gently took her hand as a fire portal appeared to his right. She saw a beach through it, and she dug in her heels as Sorin tugged her gently towards it. “We can’t go. Not quite yet. I need to plan. I need to—”

But Sorin scooped her into his arms and stepped through the portal while she was still speaking. They stood on a beach in the warm sunshine. It wasn’t her beach, but it was nearly as breathtaking, maybe even more so.

The water was a clear turquoise blue. The waves gently crashed onto the sand. Crabs scuttled to and fro, and she breathed deep, so deep, letting that ocean mist fill her lungs. The water seemed to sparkle and shimmer as Sorin lowered her to her feet, then wordlessly knelt before her and removed her boots.

She stepped into the water, hissing slightly at the cold, but then she closed her eyes and let the events of the last few days wash over her. She felt flames lick along her body and her pants and tunic were replaced with a sleeveless lightweight dress, white and flowing, a gold roped belt slung low on her hips. Wherever they were, the winters did not bring the chill and snow as it did in the mountains.

She had no idea how long she stood there, sorting through everything that was to come, as plans took shape in her mind. Time seemed to have paused for a moment while ideas formed, and she sifted through information. After a while, she heard from behind her, “Your twin flame may be a son of Anala, my queen, but your heart beats for Anahita.”

Scarlett turned to find icy blue eyes, the same color as her own, fixed on her. A knowing smile played on his beautiful face. “And where is my husband?” she asked with a raised brow, looking around. Sorin was nowhere to be seen.

Briar chuckled. “Since he is feeling a little…overprotective right now, he is up at the House of Water.”

“I hope it is all right that he brought me here,” Scarlett said, her eyes going back to the horizon where the sea stretched far and wide.

“This is your kingdom. You may come here whenever you wish,” Briar said simply, stepping to her side.

“No,” Scarlett replied with a shake of her head. “I did not come here to take over or claim any lands. This Court is yours, Prince.”

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